WHERE IS SOVEREIGNTY (ultimately) LOCATED? In the Globalized State? Or in the Self-Aware Individual.

Humanity seems to be moving in two opposing directions at the same time: Global Centralization and Local De-Centralization.

The first current is thousands of years in the making, though total control has eluded the overlords (cabal, illuminati, minions of ET above, or below, or within) until now. Now is the climactic moment. Will they succeed, or will they not. The latest grab for total control I mentioned in a blogpost a few days ago.

Here is Pete Santelli, interviewed by always hot-headed Alex Jones on Infowars. Please stay through the entire presentation. Santelli is understandably passionate about this issue and he has apparently done his homework. If he’s correct, then even if we can’t stop what they’re trying to do now, we can get this issue to front and center, if enough of us rise to the occasion. And we have less than two weeks to do it! Once the medical takeover is complete, each nation will have only six months to undo it (unlike what was expected, 18 months) before the WHO takes total control, making mincemeat of national sovereignty for any excuse that it deems “of international concern.”


The second current, running counter to the first, ultimately locates power (sovereignty) in the individual first, with widening spheres of influence from there. Imagine, each of us as the center of an infinite expanding universe, radiating our soul’s expression into this material/spiritual world in harmony with all others who do the same. This is how Nature works, as a vast embedded field of complex mutuality at every level.

This is what we’re aiming for. We need to pay attention to ourselves, first. We are each our own authority. No one has dominion over us. We attune ourselves to the cosmic field and act accordingly. In other words, we are not assuming a Hobbesian war of all against all, in which anything goes to ensure individual survival. No. As we attune to the pulsing of universal love through our own open hearts, we ask that all our actions be ethical, for the good of the whole. Rather than selfish, we are self-aware, and aim to radiate that larger, spacious, welcoming presence wherever we go, in every thought, word, and deed.

So ultimately, it all comes down to this question: where is sovereignty located first? In the individual or in the global state? If in the individual, then power flows from bottom up; if in the global state, then power flows from top down.

At this point, it appears that globalism is winning. It’s only a matter of time before we’re all locked in, our freedom, our very free will — our ability to make choices — gone, transmogrified into transhumanist robots.

But wait. It may be that any human-made structure, at some point in time, becomes so complex, bloated, ponderous,  brittle — that it breaks down. Here’s a post by Charles Hugh Smith that hints at this process, though, to my mind, does not go nearly far enough.

What Happens When Complexity Unravels?

Structures dissolve into formlessness, and out of the muck something new arises. Such is the Plutonian process, so very evident now, as Pluto returns for the very first time to the point in the zodiac it occupied when the U.S. — supposed beacon of light for the entire world — was born. Pluto: death . . . and rebirth? That depends.

That depends on each of us.

Let us yank ourselves into full awareness, taking hold of our own sovereignty, observing what is going on, listening to our own inner guidance, and proceeding here and now with what each of us, as a beautifully unique, embodied sovereign soul, agreed to come here to be and do on our home planet during this extended, magical, climactic moment in 3D space and time. 


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