WHO AM I? Balthazar?

Many decades ago, a psychic once told me that she thought I had a past life as Balthazar, one of the three Magi, the three wise men, astrologers who followed the star to Bethlehem.

If so, let’s see, which one was Balthazar. . . .

The “THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC” one? Possible. I sensed, with every fiber in me, from day one, that covid was a scam, a global psy-op. Stunned, I watched it take over the whole world, including most of my friends and relatives. Felt the enormous currents of fear course through, turn people stiff, rigid, masked, distant, isolated.

Or maybe the “CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX” one? Again, possible; though I admit, I bought into that psy-op at first. Just like I bought into the idea that eventually, the oil will run out and leave us high and dry. Scarcity consciousness, I call it now. And it’s a doozer.

What about “MEN CAN’T GET PREGNANT”? Well, I resonate to that one just as much as the first one. In fact, yesterday, when speaking by phone with a relative on my dad’s side who lives in Minneapolis in the midst of a large Muslim population, I foolishly brought up the whole woke agenda, spitting out the words CRT, DEI, Trans, etc etc — I remembered a huge list of them in my fury, thinking, of course, that he would instantly agree with me. (I had forgotten that his TDS formed early on.)

But NO. Imagine my shock! He was throughly “on the other side,” and spit back at me that I was absolutely ignorant, foolish, stupid; that the woke agenda is very necessary.

I tried again: “Do you believe in allowing massive numbers of unvetted migrants in through the southern border?”

Yes, he does! Offering the idea that even for the ones that may likely be criminals, once they get to America, they change; they work hard and prove themselves worthy. He’s been reading 19th century literature that shows him this is the case. America is the promised land. Interesting perspective.

But what really struck me, once I absorbed his furious reaction to my fury, is how my own rant was utterly uncalled for. Only because I assumed he would agree with me, did I run it by him. As if, of course!

Mea culpa.


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