WHO AM I TODAY? (Who are YOU today?) Plus three jewels for our consideration

And I mean today, this day! Yesterday, I felt as if I had floated to the edges of an expanded internal framework, easily occupying the space within which I, as an embodied being, “operate” in the world. I’m reminded of when I first discovered Jean Piaget, back in the late ’60s, his theory of developmental stages that the child goes through up to age 12 when, he claimed, the child has created an internal world which mimics the external one, so that he or she now thinks in linear causal chains. I.e., Piaget was attempting to show how the “real” i.e., 3D world gets mirrored inside the brain, and from then on, the child is capable of moving about successfully in the world.

Well, of course, from an astrological perspective, that’s the Jupiter cycle, 12 years. And it’s true, once the child has reached the age of 12, he or she has successfully mirrored internally, the external, 3D world.

But: is that the end of our developmental stages? Of course not. There’s Saturn, 29-30 years, Chiron, 51 years, and even Uranus, for one such as myself, nearly 81, and slowly and inexorably approaching the completion of the first cycle of Uranus, 84 years.

What I’m noticing now, and this is in context of the reverberating shock to my internal system that Uranus zapped upon my natal Moon, at 23° Taurus, in August, and will continue to fuel emotional eruptions of one kind or another back and forth over that degree of the zodiac through spring of 2025. So I’m in for a long haul, and I’d better learn how to ride sudden, unexpected, exciting, terrifying waves.

Remember, Moon is your own child self, as well as your own child. “Orphan Annie” is my inner child. Colin is the child of my womb. The catastrophic shock to his system fueled my own.

(And then, for me, it gets even more interesting, since Uranus will inexorably move forward to close in on its own natal position at 1° 36 Gemini, which is exactly opposite my natal Mars. I wouldn’t be surprised if from late 2025 through 2028, when this aspect spread finally ends, will have landed me either in another world or in a completely different earthly environment.

Meanwhile, here I am, and here WE are, undergoing wave upon wave of integration, dissolution, integration/resilience, dissolution, as my (and our) world-view/framework/perspective continues to expand, lock in to brief stability, then expand again, breaking the framework of not just understanding, but of emotional and spiritual . . . what? intelligence? resolve? penetration? . . . all the above and then some.

Today, in case you didn’t guess, was for me a break-the-frame kind of morning. I almost slipped and fell numerous times in the hour after I got up. Then, when I went to open the screen door for walk with puppy Shadow, the handle came off in my hand . . . On and on. . .

Meanwhile, three interesting finds for your consideration.


This woman, Jan Halper-Hayes, has recently come on the scene, her commentary endorsed by Trump on truthsocial. Should we be-LIE-ve her? Or anyone? I’d say no. Consider, notice, discern, but come to no firm conclusions. This is very hard to do. We tend to want to consider and then construct, and lock in as “certain,” a certain frame in which new info is included but which then gets smashed, over and over again. The key: don’t give up; instead give in — to continuous, periodic expansion. Remember, this extraordinarily interesting universe is both mysterious and infinite. Stay curious. Stay wild. Stay centered.

Noticing the drama at Burning Man, I am so thankful, it did not end up as another Maui, only not just a relatively small village, but a large 70,000 encampment eviscerated by what might have been a weather weapon — or not! Apparently rain had been forecast.

Maui, on the other hand, gets more and more mysterious. Perfect for continued “distraction.” As everyone is pointing out now, where are the 500? 2000? children of Lahaina? A question we must ask, more and more, in all sorts of contexts. What about the children?

On the other hand, it seems to me that Burning Man has been taken over in the past few years. As usual, what began as expressive individualistic rebellion eventually transmogrified into total cultish weirdness. No thank you.

Burning Man’s Performative Rebellion


Okay, back to “the plan.”

This, from a friend who found it very informative, especially in terms of the minutiae of timing. Agreed.





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