WHO DO YOU TRUST? Flynn, Cates, Ariel, Sather


As the years go by, I am continuously noticing that those I thought to be “truthers” may not be. That the corruption goes much, much deeper than anyone recognized. That only if I focus on what’s near at hand, what my five outer senses and sixth inner sense can grab hold of, can I make a connection that’s (likely) real.

An example of the former: General Mike Flynn. Hero? America first all the way? One of those I still trust, Brian Cates, even has an enormous picture of Flynn’s hanging on the wall behind him when he broadcasts. But me? No longer trust Flynn. Ariel (Prolotario 1) on twitter, especially, changed my mind, about Flynn and many others.

But who is Ariel? Should I trust him? I think so. Jordan Sather does not. Because Ariel doesn’t trust many of those Sather does still trust? Sather is one who, a decade ago, I just thought, he’s smart, but has a lot to learn. Now he’s much more seasoned, and here’s his current, wonderfully nuanced way of discerning who and what to (provisionally) trust.



So. Should give up on this blog? Or on posting and/or commenting, analyzing anything that actually lies outside my own personal purview? Not sure. Need to think about it. But I’ll probably continue, since, after all, “the news” is my root addiction, in its grip since I was five years old.

Meanwhile: view from front porch, this glorious morning.



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