Are you aware that we are living in the time of The Apocalypse? This word stems from the Greek, apokalypsis, which translates, literally, to “an uncovering.”
So much formerly concealed corruption is surfacing that it’s impossible to “keep up.” Of course, it was always impossible to keep up, if by that we mean “covering all the news that’s fit to print.” News, as we are now admitting, is always a narrative, a story line, a linear thread, stringing bits and pieces (facts, factoids, pretend facts, fake facts, deliberate lies) together in a certain order so that a particular “meaning” (read: spin) is either stated or implied or insinuated by the thread itself.
But of course, any line exists within a certain space. And space itself, appears, at least for all intents and purposes for us on this Earth world, unlimited, infinite. Even if we assume that space itself is or can be limited, framed up; even so, an infinity of possible lines can be drawn among an infinity of possible points inside any declared frame.
Why do I say this? Because a point, itself, has no dimension.The news lines, consisting of points, i.e., particles (facts, factoids, pretend facts, fake facts, deliberate lies) pop in and out depending, as Heisenberg knew, upon somebody doing the looking, and for the cynical/discerning among us, upon just who is doing the looking.
Some memes are ambivalent; they condense and connect various perspectives, utilizing either images, or both words and images, and leave it to the observer to decide the intended meaning. More commonly, however, memes depend on the observer having a certain perspective, which a meme, with a wink and a nod, drives home.
For example:
More and more I’ve started to lean on memes, as the easiest, and often, the most punctuated way to drive a certain “point” home, because of course, like any embodied person, I have a certain point of view, i.e., point from which I view (the world), i.e., an agenda, and that is, in my case, to see as much Truth surface as possible, so that we humans may awaken as to how our minds and hearts have been hoodwinked, how our energy has been hijacked.
So here goes. Let’s start with the twitter files, and this meme — actually an infographic, not a meme at all — intended to show their enormous range of discovery. What was formerly censored, comes into view.
Censorship is the theme of this next meme also, which, except for Byrne’s comment, is actually a “cartoon.” (Cartoons as prototypes for memes?)
The drive toward apocalypse, towards uncovering what was formerly hidden, has now infected even the leftist mass media — no doubt following some kind of directive from their overloads — currently throwing Biden under the bus, with revelations designed to take the onus off his even worse misdeeds.
And the best one . . .
Okay, switch to Greta, her latest staged drama.
Greta is so good at what she does that she could get a job in Hollywood! Or she could have, before it started to go down.
One of the (rumored) Hollywood pedophiles even seems to get in the act. (See above). But of course, this is just a meme, putting words into the mouth of the clueless Forest Gump, a character Hanks once played.
But Hollywood’s got nothing on politicians, many of whom are blackmailed pedophiles themselves . . . Cf. Cathy O’Brien, Trance Formation of America.
Geez! So much corruption, what’s the point of living! Might as well kill myself. Oops! NO NO NO. Death is the final defeat!
That’s not me talking. That’s the normies, who proved to be so fearful of dying that they let the government hoodwink them with the covid con.
Frankly, I’m utterly dismayed that so many people actually be-lie-ved what the government told them to be-lie-ve, and so are now suffering the consequences.
Oh well, I tell myself. This is life! Or, this is one life. No big deal. I can, and likely will, start over again.