YE GODS! Deeper and Deeper: NOW WHAT?

On a day when all sorts of things are happening. Here are two of them.

* Russia returns missile fire into Ukraine after U.S proxy Ukraine (with complicated missiles that need Americans to operate) — and thus formally sets off WW3?

Time to bunker down?

Meanwhile, Putin says he’s ready to negotiate the Ukraine slaughter with Zelensky, but only with Trump at the U.S. helm. (Have Trump and Putin been in touch with each other? Might this missile exchange have been a staged event, leading up to Trump somehow coming back into power soon? How about tomorrow, anniversary of JFK death? That would offer a suitable date.)


* Matt Gaetz formally withdraws his name from consideration for AG, after private consultation with a few Senators. Because of rumored scandal in past? Wasn’t his nomination vetted beforehand? (And Lindsey Graham (not a RINO?) wasn’t happy about it?! )

And what’s next? Gaetz is inserted into Rubio’s vacant Florida senate seat? And was this the plan all along? 5d chess? Was this the “secret” between them mentioned by Trump?

His withdrawal does seem to have taken the wind out of Trump’s massive sails, at least for today.


So let’s go a bit deeper, into yet another of David Sorensen’s videos that frame up certain people as controlled opposition to Trump. The first was David Icke. Now it’s Stew Peters.

Re: David Icke: I must say, ever since he came down hard on Trump right from the very beginning of his political ascendancy (2015? 2016?) I began to feel uncertain about him.

And now, I can only barely tolerate Icke’s constant X/twitter barrage of why Trump is bad. He feels like an old misanthrope, whose hour of glory is passed, and he’s pissed.

Okay, on to Stew Peters. I simply never did trust him. At all. It seemed to me he came into prominence suddenly, without warning. And how? Didn’t like his dead-eyed manner, or his totally certain-of-himself attitude. Sorensen lays it all out for me, and articulates what I have instinctively sensed all along. A very instructive video, and one which can be used to look at other prominent figures who are pretending to know what’s really going on as well.

Can we say the same thing about Sorensen? Hmmm . . . He too, has a number of films out there. (But then, unlike Stew Peters, who seemed to come into prominence out of the blue a few years ago, and according to wikipedia, was previously a “rapper and bounty hunter,” Sorensen he says he’s always been a film maker.) See his

Does he have a large staff? Where does his money come from? Questions that could be asked of Sorensen, as well as Peters. I know that Sorensen asks for donations. I’ve donated to him. I don’t think Stew Peters ever asks for donations. . .

On balance, somehow, I DO trust Sorensen, finding his heartfelt considerations on how to recognize if someone is controlled opposition very meaningful.

Okay, Ann. Time for a much larger perspective. One so obvious, and so profound, that it might manage to plunge you into actual reality!

P.S. It’s not just money that you can’t take with you. All sorts of stuff that belongs in the material world, including the workings of the brain, pummeled from outside by the staticky mirroring effect of screens . . .

Only one more day before this weekend’s screen fast . . .

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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