You Think YOU’VE Gone Crazy?



Well, let me qualify that “no.” To wit: if you don’t rely on Big Pharma to “fix” your brain, but instead have begun to consciously notice and then encourage your innate “fair witness,” a larger, spacious, neutral awareness that includes the push/pull, cause/effect, action/reaction of your everyday 3D experiences, but is NOT identified with them, then NO. You have not gone crazy. In fact, it is we who will be needed to help center and balance the rapidly, increasingly violent and destabilizing global drama going forward.

However, our “govern-ments,” (top-down bureaucratic entities which pretend to “govern” our “minds”), at pretty much every level, HAVE gone crazy. Let’s not follow them down that black hole. Let’s instead remember, re-member (put ourselves back together again) who we are —

as sovereign souls, at one with all,


as individuals, utterly free.


Here’s a good explanation of the difference between Democracy and Constitutional Republic.

And here’s the inimitable VDH, his intricate, textured perspective on the Current Senseless Absurdity.

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