2022: Let Our Hearts Open to Love, to Singing, to the Sun, to the New World: Channeling and Numerology

Remember when I said that I was told I needed to let go of my 40-year habit of a single marijuana puff daily, and that to replace it I started singing? Well, it’s still going on. Still singing. (See this and this). And what I find in myself now are songs to celebrate the rising sun, which I experience each and every morning, my walk with puppy Shadow timed to move through that brilliant golden light in winter as it warms the earth on its rise. I walk along singing — Cat Stevens’ “Morning has broken,” and the Beatles “Here comes the Sun” — intensely grateful that my 79-year-old body not only still functions smoothly and energetically, but that it seems to increase in power the more grateful I feel!

Aside: this particular morning, on our walk, I suddenly realized that the ongoing transit of the planet Pluto through my second house of “self-worth,” Taurus’s natural house, the house wherein the inherent, primal value of one’s own body moves to front and center,  is actually proceeding. It does feel like I am undergoing a deathing/rebirthing of the value I give to myself, and by this I mean the value I give to the “mortal coil” that holds the Self. For this body is its own mysterious ecosystem, the zillions of individual parts on many dimensions within it working harmoniously, enclosed by the larger environment, from which this body endlessly gives and receives!

So damn grateful: grateful for all the focus I have put on the primacy of the body all these decades. Not surprising: the sign that governs my second house is Capricorn, ruled by disciplined Saturn, which is placed in my sixth house of, among other things, daily routines! I’ve been dedicating two hours of every single day to what I call “physical culture” — not just walking, but yoga, chi kung and taichi, for decades; this habit (what I call a “good addiction,” havingfinally released the “bad addictions”, especially to cigarettes) is really paying off now, in the twilight of my life. And by twilight, I seem to mean sunrise, not sunset!

This morning I received a video from old friend and fellow peace warrior Carol Rosin, one which I really appreciated. She prefaced it with the comment, “This video educates you how to spot the [mass formation] process and separate yourself from manipulation.” I’d say, yes, it does do that, and more.

My notes, some of them a literal transcription, some not, combined with numerology:

[In 2021 this channel said]: the game continues for now and ends as suddenly as it began.

[Me, from the following, doesn’t sound like “suddenly.” However, Clif High thinks that it will end suddenly, and soon. I wonder if this evening’s whistleblower disclosure on Faux-ci will have anything to do with it.]

2022: the new world is making its way. Everything that has held this world together until now is disintegrating, and no longer growing.

[What remains of] corona as a disease must be dealt with by the human immune system.

Discord and contrariness. This year will show all the brokenness of people, and the contrariness. The old is no longer working, and the new not yet established.

Many will no longer see a solution in the promises of salvation made by the old powers, and will go in search of it themselves.

This is the year in which opposites unite.

[Here I think of the year 2022 and the plethora of ‘2s! Numerology:]


It is a year of doubt. Many will not know what to do with the knowledge they have gained.

The year 2022 brings man to the point where he tries to unite the opposites. Mature souls will celebrate great successes in this. The polarity that everything has two sides, and that it is nonsensical to argue about it, will become apparent this year.

Light and shadow alternate steadily in this year. The coming year will take place in this field of tension, the polarity between negative and positive, that all things have two sides.

Whoever tackles new and luminous projects has very good conditions for this year.

Where there is shadow, there is always light. It is a matter of which side you choose now.

2022 contains the zero as a circle, the symbol of the perfect unity in God. The circle symbolizes the impulses of creation that emanate this year from the original source of all being so that you can overcome the division and perceive the 2 as a bridge to the next, and not as a dividing line. This connection to the zero exists. In this year it is possible to unite the opposites and many people will do this very successfully. People will be confronted with their karma for better or worse. What people are holding onto will break away or be taken away.

And this is a year of farewells, goodbyes. Many will leave this plane of being. The consequences of their own karmic destinies and the inhuman politics of the last two years are now becoming apparent.

However, above all there is the divine work and the grace of God. In the greatest distress you will be helped. It is the time of God’s infinite grace.

People who listen to their hearts and courageously take their lives into their own hands will experience great support. Lightfull projects now will find the greatest of success.

Mature souls will celebrate the ability to unite the opposites.

What many still lack is courage to listen to the heart, and not to let the mind dictate life. Fears, doubts, or worries always occur where a person moves away from his inner voice, where he relies on security instead of treading new paths. This is the choice people will have to make this year. There is no way around it.

People who choose the timeline of artificial intelligence fall out of your life.

This year the quality of relationships will be crucial. A year when a great many relationships end.

For some, the current measures are only a shock at first, but they will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Those who say no to this genetic intervention will draw a great deal of strength and confidence for their steadfastness and will draw a great deal of courage from it for their future actions.

All of you who are courageously breaking new ground will be seized by a feeling of happiness this year. You will be confirmed in your courageous actions.

Separation becomes the line that connects more and more people.

To open your heart, to be under god’s protection, and to find your spiritual path with the help of the powers of light, and also be ready to go, that is what matters for you now.

Everything is taken care of, if you are willing to leave the prison of your thoughts, emotions and opinions.

[In the context of “courageously opening the heart,” notice the full numerology of 2+0+2+2=6:]




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