If a few readers would please comment on this post?
Thank you. Comments have not been loading, apparently for months Once in a while, a reader would email me personally
Thank you. Comments have not been loading, apparently for months Once in a while, a reader would email me personally
I’ve long enjoyed the immensely sensible, even-handed essays by Jeffrey Tucker, the founder, president, editor, and author of the Brownstone
Victor Davis Hanson, a 5th generation life-long resident of the Central Valley of California, warns us that the LA conflagration,
As I continue with my part-time, long term “Recapitulation” Project (nine years now, I’m embarrased to say) to archive the
Oops! The paragraphs in italics that follow the first three paragraphs of this post were in draft form yesterday, but
According to young, beautiful, and very experienced remote viewer Elizabeth April (she’s been at this for 14 years already), who
Sooooo . . . yesterday, staying home, not being outside for my usual vigorous 3-4 mile walk, drove me nuts.
. . . and snowed in. Most of the rest of this day will be spent dealing with the hand
I’m not returning here until January 6; however, simply couldn’t resist this. Fear not and gear up, folks. It’s
I just spent the last five days celebrating both my birthday and the Solstice. Time to reboot! Decided to take