AMERICAN BIO-LABS APOCALYPSE: Have we reached a critical flex point in history?

Remember, the word “apocalypse” from the ancient Greek, means “revelation,” or “disclosure.”


Here it is, a 1.58 minute segment, on C-Span.

Remember Eisenhower’s farewell speech, warning of the “Military Industrial Complex”?

Here it is, with commentary:

That speech, and that phrase, was one of those moments, nearly unnoticed at the time, but destined to resound through the decades: our taxpayer money, used to police, control, and rob the resources of the entire world via destructive policies covered with a patina of selfless service and above all, karmically destined to turn the world against us.

And now we see Eisenhower’s January 1961 warning all over again, but on steroids, appearing as a smaller cycle inside the larger one but infused with the same message, and now stronger, more obvious, immediate. What am I speaking of?  The “bio-labs in Ukraine” story, which, according to China, magnifies to 366 bio-labs in 30 countries around the world. Again, fingering the Department of Defense of the United States of America.


Question: Do these bio-labs constitute a violation (or rather, a thudding series of violations) of the 1972  Biological Weapons Convention?

Biological weapons convention

Oh wait! It’s not true! The U.S. discontinued its bio-weapons program.


Oh yeah? As even the inventor of wikipedia put it, wikipedia now has an agenda, can no longer be trusted.

I’ve heard various reports about just how many American bio-weapons labs are located in the Ukraine, from 11 up to 30. In any case at least some of these labs were constructed following a 2005 visit to Ukraine by then senators Obama and Senator Lugar to the Ukraine.

Now Moscow calls upon the UN to strengthen that treaty to include mandatory verification mechanisms.

Again, just imagine: how would we feel if Mexico had joined with Moscow to construct bio-labs near the borders of the U.S.?

It appears that once again, just like every treaty that the U.S. signs, circling back to those with the Native Americans centuries ago, the USG cynically signs treaties galore with others who wrongly assume good faith of both parties.

What was it Putin called the U.S.? An “Empire of Lies”?


Remember Reagan’s “Trust, but Verify?” applied to a weapons treaty with the then Soviet Union under Gorbachev?

Trust Well, he sure knew what he was talking about, and now the onus is on us.


The agonizing, ongoing first ever Pluto Return of this nation is proving to be devastatingly revelatory of the hidden corrupt psychopathic agenda of the deep state as it operates within the USG.  The once supposed shining city on the hill, selfless beacon broadcasting freedom and democracy, is exposed for all the world to see. Cornered, the accused lies at the world’s feet, writhing in agony, desperate to once again stand and assert authority, dominance, the one and only “superpower” in the New American Century.

Too late, folks. If this still young, still foolishly adolescent USA does manage to begin again a second cycle of Pluto, it will be because this nation has processed the selfish, predatory manner in which it utilized Plutonian power durinng the first 248 year cycle. And to process, means to explore, admit, acknowledge, and resolve not to repeat but to transform. The need to process our experience applies, not just to each of us as individuals, but to entities, of whatever size, both in space and time.

A.K. Reader, MY SECRET LIFE, Ten Tools for Transformation, Chapter Three, “Processing”



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