America’s Pluto Return in Full Force This Year. Will Death Generate Rebirth?

Remember, Pluto returned for the first time to its natal degree in the U.S. Chart this year, February 22, 2022. However, the cycle of  Pluto is so long — 246 years — that it’s best to think of a number of years before and after 2022 as equally Plutonian. In fact, astrologer Ray Grasse argues that we could see this entire decade as carrying the symbolism of the U.S. Pluto Return, as long buried darkness comes to light, with resulting upheaval, and unpredictable results. This long, deeply researched article, written in 2019, looks to both the Roman Empire and to England, indicating what events transpired during several of their Pluto Returns. So much of it looks all too familiar!

Turning Point: The United States Pluto Return

Feeling the weight of the seeming dissolution of ethics, values, and behavior in this country, I began to absorb a lot of doom-and-gloom material in the past day or so. So much, that I noticed myself feeling paralyzed with grief.

Took a nap . . .

Took another nap . . .

Then got up and picked up on these two videos, which to me, taken together,  symbolize the eventual rebirth of America, Land of the Free.

And where else but to Nature,

do we look for inspiration

during trying times?




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