COLLAPSEOPHOBIA: Here’s What Got Me Going Yesterday; and A Few Antidotes to It

Note: See yesterday’s post.

Collapse Won’t Just Reset Society, It Will Destroy It

You might want to familiarize yourself with the above, not in order to be-LIE-ve it, but to harden yourself against what’s likely to infect the mass mind. For me, yesterday, it took not one but two naps, in succession, with about an hour in between, to come out of the miasma it engendered. After the first nap I was still demoralized; the second at least got me up and going.

The above wasn’t the only post that wore me down. So did a new commentary by the man I call the original doomer, Guy McPherson.

Though I appreciate Guy’s focus on turning to LOVE as “all that remains” at the end of this video, I also notice that the foundational rock he utilizes to buttress his many arguments re: near-term extinction is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, defined on its website as “the United Nations Body for Assessing the Science Related to Climate Change.” Most people who are at all aware of various ways of trying to understand “what’s really going on” during this unprecedented time when it appears that we’re all about to jump, blindfolded, like lemmings, into oblivion, recognize that we can also WAKE UP to how the globalists (including the UN) are trying to control us (with F.E.A.R. — false evidence appearing real — that results in mass compliance). As a result, we are training ourselves to become aware of the various fear porn issues used in continuous attempts to generate our automatic obedience to dictates “from above.”


Oh my. And just now, as of today, as of one hour ago, I notice that Tedros is at it again . . . Yuck. YUCK! To hell with his stupid prognostications!

Memes do an especially good job of cutting through the fear. Here’s a few, each one a “fuck you” to those who would control us. Notice many concern Covid, since it’s still around, amazingly enough. (And BTW: in Kroger yesterday, more people were wearing masks than a few months ago . . . )

But notice: more and more memes use covid as gateway to the corruption in general that infects our entire civilization, what we’ve learned to call, in the past several years, the “deep state.” Thousands — millions? — of people, stilled from their usual busy distracted lives into lockdown and isolation, used their time productively to deprogram themselves by questioning, digging in, researching — in a likely slow, more or less excruciating process of waking themselves up. Thank you, Covid Con!

Now, these newly awakened ones can no longer rely on mainstream media for “news.”  Too much has been revealed for them. They no longer take anything at face value, and they’re on the hunt for other, myriad sources of information, busy expanding their open minds into ever larger perspectives.



This next twitter post and meme relate especially to this year, when both the difference in health between the control group (that’s us,  purebloods) and the multiply-vaxxed, is startling, not to mention the alarming vaxxed sudden death rate, especially among the young, healthy, and athletic.


And, as a cartoon to accompany the main covid movie, there’s gender dysphoria, smearing, political correctness, weird use of pronouns, etc. used to bring on confusion . . . and thus demoralization, which generates a “what’s the use? Might as well comply” attitude.

Oops, not one but two cartoons! Can’t forget the scurrilous, sex, pedophilia, incest, drug, blackmail, international grifting mess called the Biden family, so rotten that were I still Catholic, I would have to go to confession just to confess my sins in reading about it.

Meanwhile, heroes, who dare to stand up to the deep state, do live among us. Three examples.

And yes, the agenda IS changing, despite the now declared monkey business, oops . . . monkeypox.

So which is it to be: will we humans finally come to our senses, reject all the fear porn agendas and join together as sovereign souls working locally and cooperatively in loosely woven decentralized nets to help bring in the Great Awakening, which will either lead to Heaven on Earth, or, in Guy’s dysphoric vision, near-term extinction? In either scenario, Guy is correct, Only Love Remains.

Again, in either scenario, it’s how we live until we die that matters. Brief or long-term, our embodied selves give testimony to the lessons we’ve learned, all of which help us to surrender, ultimately, to that great LOVE/LIGHT that fills and fuels the universe.

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