April Fools Day of Trans Vengeance CANCELLED!

At the bottom of my second post on the Nashville Shooting, I concluded with mention of the planned Trans Day of Vengeance for April Fools Day. Internally, I began to gear up for it, via centering and grounding practices, sensing a chaotic maelstrom just ahead.

But: In a rare gesture of sanity, the otherwise apparently mentally ill trans crowd has decided not to pursue vengeance against those whom they deem their oppressors. Or at least not now. Given that Trump was just indicted yesterday, it appeared that their thunder would be stolen anyway, so one more cue to back off.

I actually saw the above tweet within nine seconds of it being posted. And was very proud of myself for catching it so soon!

Oh wait a minute. Jack Posobiec announced it fully one minute before 8:34 AM.

Oh wait. . .a. . .minute! Andy Ngo had already announced it twelve hours earlier!

Doesn’t hurt to announce it over and over and over again!  Believe you me, I, and likely, many thousands (millions?) of others, were tremendously relieved.

I was beginning to envisage likely-MSN-branded-“rabid” pretend (antifa, in disguise) “Trump supporters,” out for blood, clashing with beleaguered, ever-the-victim trans folks. Both proudly brandishing lethal weapons. Thank goodness, that scenario was averted — at least for now. May it be averted forever.

I don’t know about you, but me?

I stand with the aliens.


BTW: Aside from pharmaceutical induced hormonal surges plus standard educational and social media indoctrination, what makes trans folk so ragingly, even viciously, absolutist in defending not only their view of the whole world, but of the rest of us who don’t share that world-view? I suggest it has to do with the fact that in order to mentally and emotionally justify their totally weird world-view they have to continuously lie to themselves. For example, a trans “woman” whose penis is intact has to pretend “she” doesn’t have one, and that instead “she” has a vagina/ womb, and can menstruate and get pregnant! Likewise: a trans “man” has to pretend “he” has a penis, etc. etc. This pretending, this foundational lying, then, in order to continue to be be-LIE-ved gets layered with more and more outrageous lies. And the rest of us are required to along with their lies! YES! They desperately need us to mirror (and of course, affirm, prop up) their outrageously weird, demonstrably false, and constantly-crumbling-into-dust world-view, created, layered, and sustained with outright lies.

The truth, on the other hand, is simple. Two biological sexes, one male, one female. Those who find themselves attracted to the same sex, fine. No problem. We call them gay, or lesbian. Or even those who find themselves attracted to both sexes. Fine. No problem. We call them bi-sexual. It’s when humans try to pretend that their male or female bodies actually are, or can be turned into, the opposite of the one their immortal souls chose, between lives, to be born into, that the trouble arises. In order to be sustained, lies must be continuously covered with more and more lies.

Let’s get over it, eh?

One more, in response to the first one I noted above: “Trans toes.” Hilarious!



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