WHICH IS MORE DISTURBING? The Possible Death of the First Amendment? Or the Trump Arraignment.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A man you have probably never heard of, Douglas Mackey, has just been found guilty, sentenced to ten years in prison for posting a meme mocking Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Can you believe?

Plus: the Restrict Act, now making its way through Congress, is a trojan horse, referring to much more than Tik Tok. One might call it a Patriot Act for the internet, and Indeed, I see reports that if it becomes law, then any of us who use a VPN could be fined one million dollars and thrown in prison for 20 years.  WHAT?

Here are two sources. Frankly, I’ve no idea what to beLIEve.




Meanwhile, Trump is to be arraigned at 2:15 PM, Tuesday, April 4, 2023.

The Ascendant for the arraignment chart, a first among his many firsts, is 14°46 Leo, within three degrees of his own natal Ascendant. This event is bound to be extremely dramatic, something i imagine he will relish. (I hear he wants to be handcuffed as he walks in.)

Our MAGA hero turned folk hero, via this historic indictment, is bound to galvanize most of the global population, assuming the court officials dare to beam it to the world.

The Midheaven, in Taurus, also echoes the realistic, practical, grounded, determined Taurus Midheaven of Trump’s natal chart. At 5° of that sign, it conjuncts the North Node exactly, and sits only three degrees from Mercury at 1°45, which nearly exactly squares Pluto at 0°11 Aquarius. Whatever is the communication to be broadcast from this event, it will be extremely public (MC), indicate the direction of the future (North Node) and is bound to shake up “everything everywhere all at once” (Mercury conjunct North Node and MC square Pluto).

Sabian symbol for 2° Taurus Mercury (always use next whole degree): AN ELECTRICAL STORM.

Keynote: The cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence.


The Sun, at 14°42°, closely conjuncts Chiron, at 15°47, both in Aries, sign of new beginnings. Chiron: the wounded healer. And if anyone has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, it is Donald J. Trump.

Remember this?




2 thoughts on “WHICH IS MORE DISTURBING? The Possible Death of the First Amendment? Or the Trump Arraignment.

  1. The first indictment will trigger mass awakening
    The first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction
    They will fight but you are ready

    We have the first indictment = Trump

    The first arrest does not have to be Trump

    In fact, it is to verify that action is taking place
    and confirm future direction

    I would say that means HRC, WJC, BHO or even JRB.

    This q post is from 3yr,3mo,16hrs ago

    I would expect the first arrest to be this Friday.

    Thats 3yr,3mo,3wk


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