Are My Dark/Light Moods Mirrroring Our Civilizational Deathing/Rebirthing Process?

Light Moods

Ever since the Ukraine drama began to unroll, echoing, but in reverse, the Cuban Missile crisis of 1963, I’ve been noticing myself flipping back and forth. Usually the switch is daily. I wake up either full of a sense of infinite possibility, or weighed down by overwhelming dread. One, or the other! But my overall condition can flip back and forth as rapidly as hour to hour. What I’m referring to is a fundamental mood, coloring my attitude towards both myself and the world around me.

I could characterize these moods as light and dark, in the sense that each of them, when present, infects all my experiences, both internal and external, for that period of time. When I’m “in the light,” I see all that is occurring within and around me as akin to the experience of a pregnant woman in labor, the intense contractions as prelude for the deathing/rebirthing process the entire civilized world is presently in the throes of.

This deep drama Below, when correlated with the sky Above —  is symbolized by Pluto’s very first Return since the July 4, 1776 birth of the U.S.A.

Pluto’s Return to the U.S.A. chart has been coming into play over the past several years; and the first time it reached the exact degree and minute of it’s natal position at 27°32 Capricorn happens to have been exactly one month ago, only a few days prior to Putin’s February 24th incursion into Ukraine. As this slow-rolling war saga drags on, more and more we recognize that for the United States (and NATO), the my-way-or-the-highway era of egocentric, hegemonic domination of the entire world is disintegrating, symbolized by our current fraudulent, senile, bumbling clown “president” that no one, simply no one, on the world stage can take at all seriously.

And, as most people both here and abroad who think for themselves tend to recognize: as goes the United States, so goes the entire world.

Remember: Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, signaling the slow-rolling collapse and detonation of outmoded foundational civilizational structures, whether visible or invisible. This process, now reaching a crescendo, is ongoing through 2024, when Pluto moves into Aquarius, for the first time in 250 years. Pluto will move moving back and forth from early Aquarius to late Capricorn until December, 2024, when it settles into Aquarius and remains there, until January 2044. For twenty years Pluto will reign in the sign of Aquarius, signaling the experimental attitude which must grab hold of us all if we are to regenerate, and learn to express in a transformed, collaborative manner, the primal creative power that fuels the open heart of the living cosmos.

Okay, back to me, my moods:

When the dark mood takes over, I’m plunged into the FEARFUL “Nuclear War is just around the corner” currents  flooding the psychic atmosphere of this planet now, perhaps even more powerfully than during covidiana. This fearful mood echoes that of my own childhood, when I lived in perpetual cowering terror of “the Bomb,” so intensely, that I had to pretend to be a child who could “play” with my friends as if I had not a care in the world. And, though I have spent years processing this old, primordial F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), I sense an echo of that early trauma during my dark mood days.

Fortunately, I am also aware of which of the two polarized moods I’m in at the time, and recognize that any dark mood is always followed by light, sooner or later, and usually it’s sooner.

And, because I am aware, and because this awareness lies deeper/higher than either of my dominant moods, this, what I would call spacious 5D awareness, since it includes both intensely polarized moods, gifts me with both continuity and steadfastness. I remain grateful for all my deliberately inculcated physical habits: sound nutrition and supplements, including my homemade chai tea elixir, daily afternoon nap, daily 3-4 mile walk, plus yoga, chikung, and taichi — two full hours altogether of what I call “physical culture” every single day — for guiding me to both consistently re-enter and maintain 5D awareness.

Without calling it that, Clif High, in numerous video sessions, speaks extensively of the (Plutonian) deathing/rebirthing process we are now, as a civilization, only barely beginning to undergo. His obvious focus is more on the deathing process, since that’s what humanity has been inexorably approaching throughout the 20th century, and into the 21st, thanks in part to the end stage of fiat money and the petro dollar. But his more significant long-term focus is on the rebirthing process, which, since it requires the deathing process to begin, will indeed begin. And because of that, he says he’s “optimistic,” although it will take us most of the next 18 years to get there — at which point both he and I, as senex and crone, will likely have undergone intimate personal deathing/rebirthing processes of our own.

New Clif High: The End of Western Civilization

And now Mike Adams, who I find tends to be much more of a doomer than I have the stomach for, is chiming in, thanks to having, apparently, just discovered Zach Bush, one of our enlightened medical doctors who during covidiana, taught those willing to listen to take a more permacultural approach to the plandemic, by contrasting Terrain Theory, to the usual Germ Theory western allopathic doctors are trained to beLIEve in.

New Clif High: The End of Western Civilization

Rethinking Our Health Model: Germ vs. Terrain Theory

Here’s Mike Adams, with guidance from Zach Bush, busy converting from deathing to deathing/rebirthing . . .

The Death Rebirth of Human Civilization will Lead to Universal Awakening


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