“As above, so below” . . . NOT! U.S. underground tunnels and DUMBS

Saw this on twitter/X yesterday.

Of course, I have no idea whether this photo represents what’s really going on under the Eiffel Tower, if anything. But I came across a theory about DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) way back when I was doing exopermaculture.com; in fact during its very first year I first came across the idea. Here’s a post from 2020 that refers to it.

Imagine DUMBS: A Honey-Combed Earth?

In the U.S., this is the tunnel/DUMBS map that is usually put out:

Another version:

Here are a few images that supposedly aim to depicts the many layers of a particular DUMB: Dulce, site of supposed ET/human interaction. (Notice the saucers on levels 5 and 6.)

And especially notice: not much going on above.

Here’s a view from above.

Here’s a schematic.


Another infamous supposed site: under the Getty Museum. Here’s a video that I plan to watch.



Then there is the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, where supposedly the “real” Donald Trump has been holed up since early 2021.

Mount Weather, in Virginia, a subterranean facility now run by the Department of Homeland Security; it sheltered Dick Cheney during the 911 psyop that likely, he directed.

Oh wow. Just found this. Well worth reading. More images as well.


Remember, tunnels and underground facilities are also convenient places to keep and traffic children. Did you know that 80,000 — or is it 800,000? — children go missing in the U.S. alone each year?

My question: how many women and children are transported daily across our southern border to be funneled directly into the underground tunnel system?

And how about this: underground submarine tunnels in U.S. too!





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