As this week begins, get ready: NEW MOON IN LEO, July 28, 2022, UNUSUALLY SIGNIFICANT!

I wanted to get this post out early, since we are heading into a two week period when Mars conjuncts Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. Mars doesn’t conjunct Uranus exactly until August 1-2. However, the lead up to conjunction is even more significant, as this impulsive planet tends to act ahead of time, and it does so as we pass from an old moon cycle into a new one.

Please see Laura Bruno’s post on the upcoming New Moon in Leo. Even the title she gave it speaks!

New Moon in Leo: Wild Card Energy

I decided to set this New Moon chart up for Washington D.C., since it’s becoming more and more obvious that as goes America, so goes the world. And what distinguishes this nation from most others? The U.S. Constitution, and in particular, the second amendment. This fact alone makes it highly unlikely that the planned Klaus Schwab WEF Great Reset globalist takeover of Earth will succeed.

The pattern made by this New Moon chart jumps out. All four angles of the chart (Ascendant, Immum Coeli, Midheaven,and Descendant) are activated, in a loose fixed grand cross. Massive energies working at cross purposes. All fixed. Strong. Stubborn. And yet, the 7th house Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus lets us know: the situation is about to explode.

Whatever happens is destined (north node) to shock the world. The time for behind-the-scenes maneuvering is over. New Moon (Sun/Moon) at 5°38 Leo in 9th house of philosophy and perspective, in other words, BIG TRUTH, sits near the Leo Midheaven, with communicative Mercury just beyond, at 18°21 Leo, 10th house. These planets, spanning the Midheaven, signify the path, which is then, spotlighted. New and courageous Leonine expression of the authentic sovereign individual self is to be unleashed. No holding back. No sitting in silence, frustrated and alone, watching on the sideline while Rome burns.

Individual expression will demand cooperative networking between equals, thanks to Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th house of the home. Think localized, decentralized. Our drastic need for such expression, for TRUTH-TELLING in an age of fake news, is strongly resisted by the 8° scorpio Ascendant and its old south node habit of secrecy. This Scorpio Ascendant, we realize more and more,  is filled with the writhing snakes of D.C. corruption, surfacing for decades now, and especially since 2015, when Trump rode down the elevator with Melania and unleashed the “slings and arrows” of media and DNC propaganda.

How’s this for a visual depiction of the negatively operating Scorpio Ascendant DC swamp? Came across my fb feed recently.

Memo to file avoid Southern Manitoba…The Canadian Garter Snake have came out of hibernation in what is called a mating ball. These balls contain as many as 20 thousand snakes per ball with 100 or more males for every female.

Remember however, that the death of long-standing, deeply held, greedy, controlling corruption — becoming more and more obvious with courageous truth-tellers, shining with larger-than usual perspective, making the darkness-seeking DC snakes writhe in the agony of dying —is prelude to rebirth. That Scorpio signifies both: death and rebirth, the continuous, deeply sourced, primal movement of energy passing into and out of form.

Opposite the Ascendant, Mars in Taurus lighting a fuse to blow up Uranus and the North Node, symbolizes “the other,” partner(s) with whom the Scorpio snakes have to contend, and which aim to decimate the Taurean financial, property, and other security systems that have buttressed the Scorpionic “power” of the D.C. snakes. And, with rebirth, these planets symbolize the grounded, steady, determined Taurus partners with whom we shall begin to energetically rebuild our presence on Mother Earth.

Notice that Mercury in the 10th house squares 7th house 18° Uranus exactly. Can you imagine what kinds of revelations, are going to pop out on or soon after this New Moon?

Laura points to an aspect I hadn’t noticed: that this New Moon at 8° closely conjuncts the U.S. natal north node 6°35 Leo, 8th house. The 8th house position combination reminds me of Trump during his first term, establishing trusting, win-win, bi-lateral, relationships with other sovereign nations, as equals. That is our destiny, to act as one autonomous, sovereign nation within a context of mutual cooperation and empowerment with partners.

Remember what rules the Scorpio Ascendant: Pluto. Finally, thanks to the first ever Pluto Return to its own natal place in the U.S. Chart, we will leave the unevolved, hegemonic Plutonian (“my way or the highway”) attitude behind, and mutate from Snake to Eagle and even Phoenix! — three symbols signifying the upward ascent of the transformational Pluto/Scorpio energy.

One other aspect of this New Moon chart, I want to point out, and that is Jupiter at 8° Aries, which not only, as Laura notes, will be stationary Rx three hours after the New Moon, but it closely harmoniously trines the 5° New Moon. What to make of this? I heard that one astrologer in England called this signature a “love bomb.” To me, however, this combo feels more like a huge surge of fiery revolutionary energy sweeping the world as sovereign individuals step forth alone and together to courageously ignite something brand new (Aries).

Since Jupiter is stationary, its gigantic energy is even stronger than usual. Since it’s turning to go retrograde however, much has to be gone over again and integrated before anything genuinely new can be created. See Laura’s post for the timing of all this.

In other words, the Jupiter in Aries buttresses, expands, and points towards ignition of new opportunities fueled by the courageous expression of sovereign individuals acting cooperatively — all indicated by this New Moon chart.

In any case, note that this week’s energy, especially leading up to Thursday’s New Moon, if it seems both high and chaotic, it is!

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