ASTROLOGY: James O’Keefe, All-Too-Human Hero


Two days ago, I found myself riveted, in late afternoon, by the full 44 minute farewell by James O’Keefe to his Project Veritas staff, ostensibly for them alone, a phrase he kept repeating; but he must have known it would get out to the general public, almost immediately.

From what I wrote on February 21:

“Note that at one point this morning, his farewell remarks had already garnered 3.3 million views. Plus, at one point today, 1000 people per minute were unfollowing PV on twitter (I among them). The total, again sometime this morning, was well over 1.5 million who used this symbolic opportunity to drain now head-less Project Veritas of any remaining present and future claims to veritas (truth).”

I was then, and remain, fascinated by both his heartfelt, halting, deeply emotional presentation and his dynamically ambivalent relationship with those gathered in the room, some of whom, he often implied, were not loyal to him. And, when he told about the six hours of testimony from supposedly disgruntled members of his staff (16 — of 45 total? — had signed a complaint) that he had to sit through at the PV BOD meeting, I was appalled. Clearly, something unusual was going on here. (I couldn’t help but be reminded of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, kicked out by his own BOD.)

Already, on February 21, we were being treated to memes alluding to the astonishing  disclosure that transmogrified O’Keefe from from Founder to Famous — to even more Famous, over and over again, to, — suddenly and unexpectedly? — Fallen (from Grace): FAILURE.

Hmmm . . . Why?

In the beginning of his remarks to his staff — which, he says, he wrote down, so he would be reading them, after mentioning that he lost 15 pounds (or was it 30) in eight days — so overwhelmed was he by the sudden BOD and staff betrayal. Reading his own notes out loud, he mentioned earlier, pre-PV, times when he had experienced meteoric rise to abject loss — over and over again, it turns out.

But, as we all know, this 38-year-old — who is now approaching the archetypal time when the 84-year cycle of transit Uranus opposes itself (for him, 2026-2029), promising him another, even longer, steeper roller-coaster ride — is both courageous and indefatigible. Nothing stops him. Nothing.

He is also, according to mainstream sources, overwhelmed by his own ego. And that may very well be periodically true. How many of us could remain continuously centered and balanced when undergoing such enormous, ever-accelerating rushes of national and global success and publicity as James O’Keefe?

Here’s one of the current disparaging, holier-than-thou reports, from well-named “Vanity Fair”:

James O’Keefe, accused of leading like a “power-drunk tyrant,” ousted from Project Veritas

I admit: a large part of me identifies with O’Keefe, both in his volcanic rises and falls, and in his tendency to not only “lead,” but to tyrannically “control” those upon whom he relies to help. I have endured (as have those near me: mea culpa!) similar thudding experiences; and, hopefully, finally, at age 80 and over many decades, I have actually learned from those intense dramas to lead with my sovereign soul, not my embattled ego.

In other words, like all of us, James O’Keefe is all-too-human. What makes him unusual, is that he seemingly cannot help but passionately pursue what interests him, no holds barred. Would that more humans would rise up courageously, take the bait of whatever drama awaits us when we do, to fully express our deepest calling into the world. After all, how else do we learn, but through trial and error?

[Oh wait: we no longer learn, in school; we memorize, and then regurgitate. It’s called indoctrination, not education. And furthermore, we’re all “equal,” no matter what. We all win prizes! This is called “equity.” And it’s bullshit, stifling risk-taking, competition, excellence, individuality.]

Let us remember: on 3D planet Earth, the brighter the Light, the darker the Shadow.

At the end of O’Keefe’s halting, interruptive, repetitive, and at times, grateful soliloquy to the staff, he gave emotional tribute to his parents, who have supported him all along, through thick and thin.


Okay, so I decided. Let’s look at his astro chart.

Note: If you don’t know astrology, no problem. Just follow along. You’ll get the gist.

No time of birth, so I set his tropical chart for noon, which turns out, puts his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Moon, all in emotional, family-oriented Cancer, in the prominent 10th house. The time of birth for this chart might actually be nearly accurate, especially when you see the detail-conscious, analytic, perfectionistic, relentlessly work-a-holic Virgo Ascendant. And notice: the degree on what might be his Ascendant at noon (moving one degree every four minutes) is currently exactly opposed by transit Neptune on the Descendant at 23+° Pisces.

Neptune: planet of dreams, visions, ideals, and yes, addiction, deception, slight-of-hand: think not only of some staff disloyalty; think also of the surreptitious means O’Keefe would instruct PV staffers to use to get  whistleblowers to talk, asserting that without carefully plotted pretending, they wouldn’t produce the information needed to expose corruption. And, unfortunately, he’s probably right. Hard to dig deep, without getting our own hands dirty.

His natal Neptune sits near the bottom of this chart, at 29°50 Sagittarius. Keep in mind that the 29th degree of any sign is where the final lessons of that sign must be learned. And the lesson of Sagittarius? To be driven by the search for TRUTH, big Truth, not just Gemini facts, no matter what. And, wouldn’t you know, natal Neptune almost exactly opposes his Moon, at 1°03 Cancer (another aspect that makes me think this chart is likely correct, or just about correct, given that the Moon moves about 1° every two hours): he takes this vision, this search for TRUTH, very very personally (Moon in Cancer).

Frankly, the fact that his Moon is in early Cancer, rather than in mental, fact-oriented Gemini, and especially, that there are a total of four personal planets in the deeply emotional, family loyalty oriented sign of Cancer (Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury), surprised me at first. But consider this: his Cancer planets, which range from 1° through 13° Cancer, echo the preponderance of Cancer planets in the U.S. chart, where they range from 3° to 24°. Plus, and here’s the kicker. The U.S. Sun, at 13° Cancer, exactly conjuncts O’Keefe’s Mercury. 


Might it be that O’Keefe’s truth seeking quest has been used by the soul of this nation to brutally expose the inborn tendency to surreptitious hidden agendas and mind control (MK Ultra, for example, individual, social, and cultural; centrally controlled “news narratives” for another) baked into the U.S. natal chart, where the 27° Pluto Capricorn opposes Mercury 24° Cancer?! 

More: What if, during this climactic era in history when transit Pluto approached, and has now reached its first return, after 246 years, since the U.S. was founded, at 27° Capricorn, young Truth Warrior James O’Keefe just happened to be on the scene, his Project Veritas taking a principal role in exposing the tendency to massive, thorough-going corruption predicted by the original opposition of natal Pluto to the natal U.S. Mercury?

See my archives on this Pluto Return

And what if, O’Keefe, who, as a Cancerian, identifies so much with his passion to expose corruption within his motherland, thus invoked the perfect, profound use of his deeply disciplined, totally determined, passionately digging-to-the-depths Mars/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio; this in turn harmoniously trining all those Cancer planets, fueling them with volcanic, directed energy for the last 13 years?

Not sure exactly when it was founded, but transit Pluto was criss-crossing over his 8° Capricorn Jupiter during 2011-2012, and opposing his 7° Cancer Sun: Project Veritas, funded by donations a 501c3, fueled big-time expansion of his personal expression.

Note also, his natal Pluto in Scorpio, also at 29°; O’Keefe is meant to learn the final lesson of how to utilize power in this lifetime: power over, or power from within? Though he sought to empower each of his staff, his driving need to identify and expose societal corruption was likely at times overpowering, coercive.

More: Not only visionary/deceptive Neptune, but eruptive/volatile/risk-taking Uranus also lives inside James O’Keefe, as well as others of his generation (these are both long-term generational, zeitgeistian planets, as is Pluto in Scorpio), but, in his case, for both Neptune and Uranus, not just unconsciously, but consciously. Unlike most of his peers, he has been making conscious use of these archetypal energies, always a dangerous prospect; so that he is always in danger of either being taken over by the archetype, and/or identifying with it egocentrically.

And, here’s the kicker: his Uranus, at 10° Sagittarius, conjuncts his karmic South Node, at 6° Sagittarius.

Remember: O’Keefe got his B.A. in philosophy at Rutgers. Sagittarian philosophy, or, “love of —  wisdom,” i.e., a searching view of and value given to enlarging perspectives, was inborn, present in his bones, from birth . His dharmic North Node, in Gemini, in this life, directs him to fearlessly investigate facts, always and only, the facts (as he repeated several times to his crew that final day — no speculation, only facts) grounding the foundation for all Project Veritas whistleblowing endeavors. Gemini identifies, exposes the dots; Sagittarius, connects dots to reveal corruption’s vast extent.

Here’s the opening salvo, still present on the site, evidencing both high purpose and braggadocio. (I put certain sections in bold letters).

James O’Keefe established Project Veritas in 2011 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Today, O’Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board, so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture.

As a legally recognized and fully-reporting enterprise, Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

Back to that dharmic North Node one more time: it’s conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Ouch! Yes, the disloyalty of some of his staff deeply wounded him. Note that his farewell remarks to his staff resulted, in part, from his personal reflection on Gemini facts about his own life (this has happened before, this meteoric rise and fall) to help him gain meaning (Sagittarius), and thus healing (Chiron) from the horrific Uranian eruption he had just undergone.

Once again, remember: his natal Sun, at 7° Cancer, almost exactly opposes his naturally optimistic 8° Jupiter Capricorn. This opposition describes the Jupiterian expansion of his Cancerian area of concern from personal family to society in general.

Don’t worry, he won’t be gone long. Generous, magnanimous, expansive Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius), working with his Sun will assure us of that. And likely backed by a new organizational structure (Jupiter in Capricorn).

Our admittedly flawed, fearless, deeply feeling Cancerian hero,

James O’Keefe,

is a Jupiterian gambler,

with his very life.

He sets an example of personal flourishing

in the midst of . . . whatever!

We have much to learn from him.


Oops! Here are current indicatioons: one progression and one transit, both both with eruptive, Uranian themes:

His Progressed Moon, moving at the rate about one degree every two months or so, is now at 11° Sagittarius, just past his 10° Sagittarian Uranus.

Transit Uranus in Taurus, from July 2019 through January 2023, crisscrossed in opposition to his deeply determined, passionate Mars/Saturn in Scorpio.

No wonder Pfizer was his final expose´.

What more was needed?




3 thoughts on “ASTROLOGY: James O’Keefe, All-Too-Human Hero

  1. I pulled his chart yesterday after watching his heartfelt speech, and yes, fascinating. Those connections to the US natal chart make sense, and I noted the Chiron/NN conjunction. Ultimately, he’s a healer, and he himself heals as he helps others (including the wider world) heal, too. I did wonder if he might have Scorpio rising, but the 29 Pluto in Scorpio would also account for his multiple “deaths” and rebirths. No one will keep this man down.

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