DIOXIN CHRONICLES 2: If you live anywhere east of the Mississippi . . . AND MORE



Trump — unlike puppet Biden, who, on Monday, visited Ukraine in the ongoing deep state effort to pump up WWIII with Russia — visits East Palestine Ohio today.




Eric Cappolino’s alert re dioxin release has gone viral. 


In my first Dioxin Chronicles post, I mentioned chorella as a detoxifying agent. (I get mine from Chorella Fella.)

There are other plenty of other detoxifying agents as well.

Clif High speaks of some of them here.




Meanwhile, I read today in the local Herald-Times, a front page story about “jumping worms,” which are supposedly now nearby, and threaten to completely denude everything natural, including the soil, and spread at a very fast rate, one worm from one egg completely destroying a 10-foot square area, including plants, compost, mulch, and soil nutrients.


The point is, we are under attack; we have always been under attack, in one way or another. That’s life one earth! We are also deeply nourished, in countless ways. That’s also life on earth!

(Re: the jumping worms: What is the permaculture approach to them? Need to research. Because there is nothing, nothing natural that does not have it’s place, its use, its fruitful exchange with the environment in which it thrives.)

So . . .

Which shall it be, FEAR or LOVE?

Fear contracts.

Love expands.

One depletes energy.

The other opens to receive, transmute, and express the infinite energy of the universe.

I.e., Get and remain centered. Harmonize one’s relationship between conscious and unconscious, above and below, light and dark, left and right, individual and social — and any other polarity, all of which feature, in this 3D world, a continuously dynamic balancing act.

And be warned: if Clif is correct, the “Big Ugly” is now ramping up, with “the Mother-Weffers” planning many more acts of sabotage. I just heard about a train derailing in Nebraska, carrying coal, something he predicted (as another likely breadbasket attack.) I pay close attention to Clif’s substack posts, both audio and printed. Like anyone, he has his quirks, and I don’t always jive with what he says. But as an admitted “paranoid” (I.e., pattern seeker), his contrarian posts contain enormous information, like this: though there are over 1000 train derailments per year on average in the U.S., only one of them, on average, causes poisonous spills. Most train derailments, he says, are minor, and occur in the yards, when coupling and de-coupling. No big deal.

He also mentions California as another breadbasket to be attacked, and points to the hundreds of cars sitting out in “nowhere,” something unprecedented, say the locals there.

I followed the thread on that twitter post, yesterday. Very interesting how people, when they heard about the 100s of cars carrying an unknown liquid substance parked in the middle of prime California farmland (slow growing grapes, nuts and tree fruits), people and experts from all walks of life gathered online to pay attention and coordinate actions. That train is now under close watch.

More and more, people are referring to the deep state as the Khazarian mafia. According to Clif, the Khazarians (centered in Ukraine, which Putin is carefully, and systematically destroying) have been wreaking havoc on humanity since about 1100 A.D. And all their actions require secrecy. So as millions of us educate ourselves as to what is REALLY going on, we are organically joining together as individuals with very specific talents and expertise, to both reveal and stamp — if not out, then at least down — this monstrous embedded beast.

P.S. The more each of us recognizes our own projections (where we see evil in the world) as also a denied part of ourselves, the sooner this re-balancing will come about. Remember, re-member:

Oh, and check this out. Whew!

Trump: “We hit our enemies early.” 

And this: Extraordinary!





7 thoughts on “DIOXIN CHRONICLES 2: If you live anywhere east of the Mississippi . . . AND MORE

    1. If you follow X22 Report or a number of others,including a new source, SGAnon, we are being told that we’re in the middle of a massive sting operation that will take years to play out, since most of the normies have to wake up to the evil before the “white hats” do anything about it. And that means the deep staters have to show just who they are by what they do. I agree with you, it’s feels dicey. But, according to the same sources, if the white hats went after deep state operatives prior to them showing themselves to the normies, there would be civil war. Something they want to avoid. The latest is, of course, all out nuclear war! Will the normies wake up to this seemingly near-term possibility? If not, what WOULD wake them up?

  1. same old sh-t ; for a long time. Wasn’t long ago all kinds of hope-Trump era hope??
    well haha that’s gone; we were taken for a nice ride.
    Utsava–give me a break. Who can afford all her remedies? and anyway want to love
    and live on a burned out place? I won’t call it a planet. The mother is not a planet.
    Utsava is no spring chicken–any of her detox remedies would cause a lot of upset in the
    maybe she’s used to it.
    X22 report; one of the hopeful reports not too long ago. Now hopeless. thank you for this forum. You are my friend.

    1. Remember: It’s not over until it’s over. Radiate LOVE from your heart to one and all. That’s what we have control over.
      Anything more is hopium; anything less is cynicism. Both kill the soul.

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