Decision Time, Folks. FEAR? OR LOVE.

  Fear contracts. Love expands. Which do YOU choose? If we are driven by fear, we can be controlled by outside forces. That’s their goal. If we choose to activate the frequency of LOVE,

DIOXIN CHRONICLES 2: If you live anywhere east of the Mississippi . . . AND MORE

P.S. WE’RE WINNING!   Trump — unlike puppet Biden, who, on Monday, visited Ukraine in the ongoing deep state effort to pump up WWIII with Russia — visits East Palestine Ohio today. h

NEEDED NOW: How Animals Help Humans Return to Nature’s Harmony

This morning, on a longer-than-usual five-mile walk with puppy Shadow, our encounters were not just pleasant, but, as ever, I could not help but consciously notice how each mutual, smiling greeting

Concerning the ongoing Biden/Trump drama: ARE WE WAITING FOR GODOT?

On a day when even more salacious material has come out about Hunter Biden, including identifying his own father as Pedo Peter, I cannot help but ask: what is a true leader? One large quality of ch

Implosion, Explosion — or: INFLATION OF LOVE

I came across this article last night, and have a feeling that it’s typical: Progressive (woke) outfits foundering over internal social justice disputes. I actually skimmed most of the articl

SATURN IN PISCES: Can Cognitive Dissonance Alchemize Unity?

  Note: I changed the title of yesterday’s post to include the Saturn in Pisces moniker. Which makes this my third Saturn in Pisces contemplation.   I was consistently puzzled yeste

ISRAEL/PALESTINE: I sit here, eyes bleary with sleeplessness, weeping . . .

All last night, tossing, tossing . . . sinking into despair. How can such an ancient convoluted his-story of belief, revenge, territoriality, religions, races, and various inversions of such ever l

THE PIVOT POINT: Integrating Shock as Time Accelerates

As I slog through my multi-year project to archive what’s still timely from many hundreds of essays, both published and unpublished that I have written over these many decades, I happened to


  Volatile, eruptive, unpredictable, revolutionary Uranus stations today, turning to go direct at 14°56 Taurus. (This is the third planet to turn direct this month. First Mars, on January 12,

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Boom goes the gun. Well done, son.

“Since the world is made up of individuals, there will always be competing ideas. Ideas which, down through the ages, have usually resulted in one thing: WAR.” The above sentences, and