Implosion, Explosion — or: INFLATION OF LOVE

I came across this article last night, and have a feeling that it’s typical: Progressive (woke) outfits foundering over internal social justice disputes. I actually skimmed most of the article, though not without having to hold my nose once in a while . . . Incredibly claustrophobic, when we rely on any closed system ideology to guide thought and behavior.

And now that the Supreme Court has also been infiltrated with woke, thanks to the newest Justice, Katanji Brown Jackson, who claims she doesn’t know what a woman is, can you imagine the weird dissension within their ranks?

I just got wind of possible conceptual and behavioral disarray within Pelosi’s Unselect Committee. Oops!

It appears that, overall, what we now call “identity politics” is what’s wrecking any possible union we might have felt earlier. Instead of being celebrated and encouraged as individuals, for way too long school children have been taught to identify with groups. Recent gender smearing and CRT indoctrination puts the icing on that cake.

And then, think of the current divisions within our own families. For example, I’m the only sibling not to get vaxxed —or even tested, for that matter. We are meeting for a sibling reunion in late August, and the group wants me to do one or the other, in order to come. Well, I’ve reserved my plane ticket, but instead of spending three days and nights with them, I’ll meet them for an afternoon in a nearby park if necessary, rather than do something that flies in the face of my own ethical decision to not allow an outside force to decide what goes in my body. Period. (P.S. PCR testing itself is not diagnostic, but that nose swab IS invasive). I am an individual, sovereign soul, and aim to remain that way.

Speaking of which, remember this?

I’ve Been Kicked Out of My Spiritual Community

It’s interesting that even though I live in a community setting that includes both vaxxed and unvaxxed, we decided two years ago not to even bring up the subject, since we live in two entirely different conceptual worlds regarding it. Rather, as we say, “let us stick to what we have in common.”  (However, I’ve asked housemates to let me know if and when they get boosters, so that I can amp up the protective supplements (zinc, D3, C, quercetin, NAC) and neutralize any shedding spike proteins during the first few weeks.)

Then there are political divisions. These are old hat, of course. They’ve been raging forever, especially in this country since Donald Trump thundered onto the scene. So interesting, how TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) instantly reared its furious head. And even now, when he’s supposedly been out of office for over a year, with the Unselect Committee trying to impeach or indict him for the third time, Trump lives on, rent free, in all their heads. I personally know a local academic who vows to leave the country if Trump comes back into power!

Back to the wall between vaxxed and unvaxxed. How did it come about that a large percentage of the entire populace could be indoctrinated into believing what the experts told them about their bodies? As far as I’m concerned, the main distinction between those who obeyed the media promoted dictates of “medical” and “scientific” experts, and those who steadfastly refused, depends upon whether or not a person actually sensually and spiritually inhabits his or her own body. Most people don’t fully inhabit their bodies; just as these same people don’t really inhabit this planet. They tend to see the planet, and their own body, as outside them, their real self, the “mind;” with body and planet as objects to be used and abused.

Descartes is credited with originating the “mind/body split.” The mind rules; the body, running parallel with the mind, occupies another realm altogether. Abstract mind, concrete body. Mind floating above, body subjugated below, cursed, treated as a machine, which when it breaks down, requires expertise to fix. Outside experts. We call them “doctors.” And they don’t inhabit their own bodies either, so how can we expect them to assist us with ours?

The body/mind split. I think, therefore I am.  Therefore only my mind is me. Cartesian ontological dualism. The original split. The original divide.

No wonder we love to “fall in love.” The “in love” phase of a relationship seems to offer a (usually all too brief) union of two beings, two body/minds working in concert, as one. But alas, sooner or later that nirvana we have longed for all our lives, fades. We are left stranded, abandoned, alone, lonely as hell, and eager to either end it all or to start all over again, in a new relationship, a new union, a new love.

Sooner or later, and it’s usually later, we begin to recognize that love cannot be contained and directed to a single individual. That what we think of as “our love for another” is actually a tiny trace of the love that fills and fuels the universe, reminding us that union is not only possible, but that union is an ocean, and we are swimming in it, all day and all night long. At least that has been my experience, and believe me, I’ve been there and done that, over and over and over again.


So now, here we are, in the midst of accelerating chaos cause by massive divisions of all kinds. Yet, Interestingly enough, we now all have one obvious thing in common that we can point to: INFLATION, and its immediate effect on food and energy prices.

Inflation, etymology: increase, swelling. 

Let us re-imagine the way we use this word. Let us recognize that ultimately,  what is swelling is love. That you, me, everybody, is actually swelling to the point where we may burst the boundaries of egoic pride and radiate into the world who we really are, underneath the all-too-human drama that feeds on assumed scarcity: each of us a divine, radiating, embodied vessel for the swelling and outpouring of Love; united, with liberty and justice for all.





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