Bottled Fear Forces UNIFIED REBELLION!

In case you have been paying attention to the MSM, then you don’t know about the constant massive anti-Covid demonstrations across the whole of Europe. In which case, you also still don’t know that the MSM is “in on it,” i.e., is the propaganda arm of the deep state — something we who don’t pay attention to the MSM do recognize.

And yes, despite blackout by MSM news in either Canada or the U.S.,  it’s true:  there IS a massive, world record setting convergence of truckers against vax mandates in Canada now, right now: upwards of 50,000 trucks and 1.4 million supporters are heading towards Ottowa, supported by a near $5 Million GoFundMe piggy bank, to help defray fuel and other costs.

But . . . is GoFundMe freezing this piggy bank? It looks to be so. 

Will GoFundMe get away with this massive theft?

In any case, the FREEDOM CONVOY is on.

Freedom over Fear: National Truckers Freedom Convoy

Bottled The truckers and their supporters vow to surround the Canadian parliament and to remain there until either Justin Trudeau resigns or he lifts the mandate requiring truckers to be vaxxed to cross the border into the U.S. 

Do I detect a whiff of unified rebellion here?

Check out this hilarious, and oh-so-true piece by fearless independent journalist who was “on to” the Fauci Fraudster Farce ever since he introduced the AZT drug to get the AIDS “epidemic” going and kill gays, way back in the ’80s when he first came on the scene as head of the NAIAD.

And notice how Jon Rappoport’s piece ends! Whew. With a salute to Eric Clapton and Van Morrison, another hippie songster from my era who is both very much alive and not just defying F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), but, together with Clapton, arousing those who seem to have succumbed to the spell of mass formation.

The government has isolate, purified, and sequenced, FEAR




3 thoughts on “Bottled Fear Forces UNIFIED REBELLION!

  1. Hey, Ann! Check out Kate Wand, a lovely young Canadian new mom who does videos w her partner, William Gervais – she has started a Colour Revolution of women w/o masks, wearing red lipstick! And if you want better coverage on Ukraine, check out the channel The Duran on the platform (Robert Barnes and a rebellious ex-lawyer from Montreal, David Freiheit or Viva Frei, are also there). Or Viva Barnes Frei is on YouTube- great current events/legal channel!

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