SONGS TO INVOKE THE SOUL: Eric Clapton’s Heart of A Child

So interesting . . . walking with puppy Shadow this morning, I realized that this still-beating-dead-horse plandemic, now joined with the latest Russia Russia Russia fear-mongering over whatever’s going on in the Ukraine (thanks to the CIA, likely) — let’s face it, we’re already living in the dystopia of our greatest imaginings!

Except: we’re not. At least, I’m not. My life is, by and large, proceeding as usual, with smiles and hellos to passerbys on our walks, whether or not they are masked, and usually they respond in kind. The garbage collection guys are especially friendly, and I felt for them this morning, standing on the back of that big truck in the intense cold, waving hello.

So, two worlds. Which do we choose to live in? If we, who are acutely aware of the globalist designed plandemic psy-op, focus only on fear of “what they are trying to do to us,” then it’s like a curse. A curse, on top of a hypnotic spell? Yuck!

Fear or love. Our only choice!

So, once again, I turn to music, the kind of music that comes from the loving heart and invokes the soul, producing joy! I feel intensely grateful for Eric Clapton, one of the few still alive in my old hippie generation who seems to have stayed the course of freedom.

Again, this song, with its visuals, made me well up with tears.

2 thoughts on “SONGS TO INVOKE THE SOUL: Eric Clapton’s Heart of A Child

  1. We can do so much better. We must turn to our love and compassion for others…..upliftment and faith and right action through the heart.

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