So maybe, just maybe, Uncle Clif is right, “authority” dissolves as “hyper-novelty” ramps up?
Note: And see this, from two days ago. And what “authority” has, oh excuse me, had more self-assurance, more control
Note: And see this, from two days ago. And what “authority” has, oh excuse me, had more self-assurance, more control
I have not gone had time to absorb this yet, but sense it will be very worthwhile! A follow-up
This from Kathleen Devanney’s newsletter: IT’S GONNA BE MESSY: But Humans Win Yes, the first ever Pluto Return to
Whatever happened to the phrase “Mother Earth”? — as She is known by indigenous tribes, for whom it was
Up until late 2010 I actually subscribed to the print edition of the New York Times. Then I
Walking this morning, without puppy Shadow, except for.a brief foray for him to poop. He was way too reluctant,
Note: See this: This afternoon, headed out, on foot, with backpack, to nearby Dollar Tree, Fresh Thyme, GNC, and
SO HEY, LOOSEN UP? OKAY? With yesterday’s three memes, I did not “connect the dots” in any way, although we
At this point I am so overwhelmed by all the ghastly “news” that I need to beg off, with
Having been prompted internally to use the title above — yes, weird! — I looked up the meaning of both