DAVID ICKE: How Did He Know So Much about NOW Way Back in 1996???


Because the signs were all there, way back when. Anyone who pays attention, and begins to “connect the dots” through time, can recognize that a strange, evil design has been in the works for decades, centuries, millennia . . .

Back then, in 1996, just how to connect the dots was the big unknown. Many of us were aware of a few dots, or even all sorts of dots, each one extremely troubling. But what the hell was going on?!? Could our governments really not have our best interests at heart? Could certain people be chronic liars — and worse? Could corporations really want to gobble up all the resources everywhere? Could there really be an off-planet force at the top of some kind of pyramid?

Icke appeared to put it all together in a multidimensional, many layered manner, so that we could begin to SEE, and to FEEL, and to both RESIST AND TRANSCEND what we have recently decided to call the seemingly hydra-headed Deep State at work.

For me, the disconnect began in 1945, with Hiroshima (at age 2 and a half), which locked me into seemingly permanent PTSD —until November 1960, when John F. Kennedy was elected President of the U.S.A. and I could begin to breathe free.

Wow! So exciting!

The timeline for Armageddon suddenly interrupted!

Then JFK died. On November 22, 1963, he died. Anyone alive then has total recall of where they were at the heart-stopping moment when the news blared over radio and TV. For me, it came during a class at Catholic University in D.C., where I was a senior, majoring in philosophy, and also newly married, and pregnant. (Or was it pregnant and then married? Not sure. I was too embarrassed to find out.) And, I should add, newly married to a man I did not love, and I knew it. Knew I was living in false consciousness, that I was pretending, in my roles of good student, good wife, and future good mother. That, in short, my mask, my persona, had taken over.

So, I could say that my own life foreshadowed the assasination of JFK. I personally, had gone astray; just as our nation seemed to have been obviously and intentionally jerked astray, with that single act, drummed into the mass mind over and over again, through the TV screen —the exploding head, the exploding head.

MK Ultra applied to the entire U.S. population. Cultural PTSD.

Now of course, we could say that the rot went back way further than 1963. And of course it did. Where to begin? Or as Wittgenstein famously put it: “How do you go back to the beginning and not go further back?” When the CIA was established in 1947? When Lincoln was assasinated in 1865? And then there are all the wars, both sides of which —more and more the public is now beginning to awaken to this horrific fact — are and were funded by banksters and military industrial contractors. (Is Ukraine the exception? Do the banksters and the MIC fund Russia’s side of the conflict, too? Or is it just the western powers that engage in such chicanery.)

False flags to start the wars between nations, and, more and more, false flags inside this nation, to encourage/force citizens to give up their means of protection against both metastisizing criminals (coming in, along with deadly, addictive drugs, over our porous borders; being let out of jail by woke, Soros-funded DAs) and the metastisizing federal government . . .

Interesting, that the real story of the Uvalde tragedy is now being so thoroughly exposed. More so, and more quickly, than any of the mass shootings to date. Oh hey, and did you know that they are now going to demolish that Uvalde school? Just like Sandy Hook, nine years ago?

Here’s what Icke is saying now.

Nothing is random. David Icke explains current events.

His overriding focus on the necessity of entering, and holding, a higher frequency is to me, both central and obvious — and yet very little practiced, even now, especially now, when looming, accelerating chaos threatens to overwhelm.


So . . . as Buyden seems to stumble into saying “there will be another pandemic,” we all have a clear choice. Are we going to let the Deep State get away with using the less and less credible MSM to inculcate yet another F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) Fraud in the mass mind?

Are we going to stay in 3D and remain fearful? Or can we learn to enlarge our perspective, shift our frequency, to the point where we evolve into 5D, and rather than “identify” with either victim or conqueror, view all 3D dramas as mere play.

Remember, there are, at bottom, only two emotions: Fear and Love.

Fear contracts. Love expands.

Fear reacts. Love responds.

The first maps the finite mechanics of 3D.

The second attunes to the infinite mystery: 5D and beyond.


BTW: Icke’s astro chart indicates the turning points in his life were divinely timed, and that, with the introduction of “The Presence,” he was catapulted out of the 3D matrix and into a multi-D 40,000 foot view from which he has been describing what goes on “down here below” ever since.

WHO IS DAVID ICKE? Astrology, Timing of Significant Turning Points




2 thoughts on “DAVID ICKE: How Did He Know So Much about NOW Way Back in 1996???

  1. I met David in 1978 in SLC. He was a very close friend of my former roommate whom I was visiting at the time. David and I got into an in depth conversation about the lies of the media. I was telling him about my experiences abroad and that when I returned back to the states my parents were freaked out talking about what they had seen on the news about where I was in Europe. It was ALL bullshit. So David and I got totally into it. He told be about some far out stuff about the Queen and her diabolic tastes. He leaned over toward me and directed his focus deep inside me and said,”Janet, this shite is for real.” I will never forget his unwavering expression.

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