ASTROLOGY: Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Triggering “Night of Rage”

The fiery energies stirred up by the June 21st Summer Solstice (Moon in fiery Aries conjunct first Jupiter then Mars), which took place on the two following days (June 22, 23), will be officially released this evening, June 24th, scheduled for 8 PM. Search duck duck go “Night of Rage, ” and you will see an amazing assortment of sources displaying this expected event. Here are the first few:

Hmmm. Makes me wonder. Have pallets of bricks been conveniently dropped off on certain street corners in Democrat-run cities across the nation? Is this a replay of the Soros-orchestrated and highly destructive George Floyd “largely peaceful protests” that erupted in summer two years ago, one Mars cycle ago?

The decision to overturn Roe v Wade was released at 10:00 AM, today, June 24th, and featured Uranus in earthy Taurus, just about exactly conjunct the Midheaven, thus triggering a very public earthquake in the body politic. That earthquake has been building ever since Uranus went into stable, earthy Taurus, in May 2018, where it remains for seven years. Just think of all the astonishing eruptions that have already taken place!

The emotional Moon, which governs human hormonal tides, at 13°19 Taurus, was approaching 17°28 Uranus this morning, scheduled to conjunct that eruptive trigger point approximately eight hours later (Moon moves about one degree every two hours).

Let’s look at the two charts one at a time.


Note eruptive Uranus at 17°28 within one degree of the 18°08 Midheaven, the  the most public point of the chart, signifying THE PATH.

Furthermore, Saturn sits exactly on the Descendant, signifying pushback, law, decision, denial, plus, with its wide square to Uranus/MC, possibly police or other forces gearing up to corral or squash the expected uprising.

Note that the Ascendant, at 24° Leo, sits within two degrees of President Trump’s Mars. Of course, he made a statement, taking full credit, since he appointed three of the six justices who overturned the long-standing decision, adding:

My question: was Trump involved in the seemingly exquisite timing of this momentous event? Even, does he have an astrologer on board, like Reagan did?

Here’s the chart for 8 PM. This time the Moon is featured, sits at 18°22 Taurus, the exact degree on the Midheaven when the announcement was made this morning, and conjunct 17°29 Uranus within one degree.


Note that this chart features the Ascendant at 26° Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center. Might we go so far as to say that this earthquake in the body politic, which returns the question of abortion to the states, has “galactic implications”?

Sabian symbol for Uranus (17°29 Taurus), set for 18° Taurus:


Keynote: The cleansing of the ego consciousness. Purification.

Might this evening’s Night of Rage be compared the eruption of a child whose ego is not yet under his control? When thwarted, he erupts in a temper tantrum. If so, then good. Let’s get it out of the way.

As the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, this will dominate the news cycle. The riots will surely begin tonight and with the response to this ruling, the Left will further cement themselves as the party of insanity. While Americans are struggling to pay for gas and food, the Left and the DNC are focused on sending tens of billions of our tax dollars to arm LITERAL Nazis, and burning cities down because the Supreme Court said killing babies is up to the States… 

As we approach the midterms, lets do a quick tally on the Left and what they have openly supported over the last 2 years: 

-Slaughtering children 

-Grooming children 

-Indoctrinating children 

-Raping children 

-Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine 


-Forced medical experimentation 

-Orwellian censorship

-Brainwashing and propaganda 

-Racism against white culture 

-Sexism against men 

-War or Heterosexuality (Normality) 

-Abolishing the Right to defend yourself 

-Abolishing local and state police 

-Election fraud 

-Higher taxes 

-More government 

-Less freedom 

When future generations read the history books, they will look back with dismay, unable to comprehend how so many Americans actually supported the Leftist movement and the party of blatant insanity. The modern day left-wing proves that people can be brainwashed to support ANYTHING.

Now the leftists will take to the streets and supply some good photos and examples for the history books, as to why in future America, liberalism no longer exists. So go ahead, let them burn it all down. They are only making our point and justifying the eradication of their ideology. 

Patriots, stay home. Protect your family. Let them riot. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. 



One more Sabian symbol, this one for the Midheaven of the first chart above, the Scotus ruling, at 18°08 Taurus, set for 19° Taurus.


Keynote: The Surge of New Potentiality Following the Crisis

Here’s Dane Rudhyar’s commentary:

“When the mind has been emptied and the light has been called upon to purify the consciousness of attachments and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the ocean of potentiality, the virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?

“. . . The “technique” is simply to allow the Infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.”


Remember: what get’s indoctrinated is the ego (via left brain “logic plus assumptions”). A “Sovereign soul at one with all,” on the other hand, trusts the universe; we allow our unique body/mind/spirit to flow with mysterious universal currents, moved in ways that the small and constrained ego cannot hope to understand, contain or control.

That FLOW is what the Deep State fears most. That LOVE.


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