Day After Christmas, and ye gods, Tucker with Spacey? Huh? GLOBAL WEIRDNESS!


My oh my! More Christmas Weirdness!  This one not just local!

Yes. What in hell do we make of Tucker’s Christmas Eve surprise, his “interview” with Kevin Spacey aka Frank Underwood? Is Tucker controlled op, being played by the black hats? Is Spacey being played by the black hats? Is Spacey playing the black hats, laughing at them while “in character”? Is white hat Tucker showcasing comms, as detailed in House of Cards? Is Kevin Spacey actually a (double agent? triple agent) white hat?

I appreciate Joe Rambo’s contribution.

Then, there’s this:

All I know is I know nothing. The older I get, the more so-called reality recedes into the expanding mist.

However, I do know my own instinctive response to House of Cards, a supposedly fictional series which, in the beginning, fascinated me. Utterly. But then, as time wore on, especially when Frank Underwood literally threw the investigative reporter under the train, I began to shudder. Is Kevin Spacey playing himself? I began to think that. And this is before all the muck came out about his supposed sexual, pedophiliac transgressions. This is before any of the Hollywood stars were called out by Liz Crokin. Or at least, before her revelations were widely publicized. Or before I knew about them. House of Cards, and especially Kevin Spacey’s “role” in it, was a huge wake-up moment for me. Ever since then, I suspect most Hollywood stars, and, with a few exceptions, do not go to movies or watch netflix or other series. Just can’t trust ’em.

So Tucker thrusting Spacey into the limelight — and Tucker, frankly, looks uncomfortable to me: is that just my projection? Did he ask Spacey for this interview? Did someone command him to summon Spacey? This mind-blowing twist in the wind, blowing open any of my current “theories” about what is really going on . . . As intended?

Clear the board, folks. It’s a brand  new “card” game.

Meanwhile, loved this:


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