Did Trump signal an Air-Q during Mendon rally (17 miles from Q-uincy . . .)? And: was “Jane Roe” a CIA puppet for pro-abortion, lesbian, and pro-life cultural divisions??

Let’s take these one at a time.

Note: This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post.

Air Q at the Mendon Rally?

If he did signal an air-Q, then, for some, this certified the re-appearance of Q after 17 months.

Speaking of Quincy, somebody put up a map that TruthHammer copied to Telegram, adding both Durham and Liberty to the mix . . .

Then there’s Martin Geddes, a brilliant, analyst of the Q phenomenon and its cultural purpose and function, who finally weighed in on the seemingly real Q drops that began to appear on Friday evening of the momentous day that the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade, overturning a precedent established 50 years ago and returning the question of abortion back to the states — where it belongs, IF we are still to take seriously our Constitution as the bedrock foundation of the American experiment during these excruciatingly difficult years when (death/rebirth) Pluto Returns to its natal degree in the U.S. chart for the very first time after 248 years.

Geddes weighed in by reposting a repost on Telegram, thus: https://t.me/geddes/14955

But then, was that sketch really an air-Q. Opinions are divided.

Meanwhile, more skepticism. For example, Archive Anon,  on Telegram, wonders about word choices used by the supposedly returned Q.

Truthers seem to agree that the fact the speech was cut short by lightning is decidedly meaningful, given Trump’s ongoing storm metaphor.  Remember this?

Plus, here’s Jordan Sather: Given that the new Q is already gathering haters, might this mean it’s real?

Meanwhile,  a new (supposed) Q post went up last night, apparently timed to appear as the rally was ending,  directing anons to look closely at “Jane Roe.”


JANE ROE, aka Norma McCorvey

Mel Q weighs in on Telegram:

The Storm Rider adds detail:

Remember, we are in Neptune’s foggy territory during this time. I have no idea whether or not these allegations are true. But it would “stand to reason” in that, more and more, we are getting used to the idea that the entire institutional edifice of western society has been corrupted for a long long time.

Searching a bit more, I came across this:

Comments below this clip included:

On balance, I’d say the original Q was correct: “Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It had to be this way. This is not another 4-year election. GOD WINS. Q”

Here’s BioClandestine’s detailed list of yucky, suppurating revelations that have already surfaced.


Or, as the new Q puts it: “It had to be done this way.”

Inserting that word 4-letter word “done” is, possibly, highly significant.

As in “done deal”?




2 thoughts on “Did Trump signal an Air-Q during Mendon rally (17 miles from Q-uincy . . .)? And: was “Jane Roe” a CIA puppet for pro-abortion, lesbian, and pro-life cultural divisions??

  1. The aspect of the ‘Q” meme that is personally compelling is the promotion of personal research on the part of those interested in pursuing dropped ‘crumbs’ of information.

    Such a paradigm places the responsibilty for discernment where it is the most effective . . . squarely on a nation’s citizenry . . . a vital precursor to authentic citizen sovereignty.

    In promoting the notion of citizen sovereignty the ‘Q’ paradigm also exposes incredible inadequacies inherent in total dependence upon main-stream-media to present fair and un-biased reporting of issues that affect our nation in the main.

    Further, the ‘Q’ call-to-order, WWG1WGA, seems especially resonant in this time of seemingly planned strife and division.

    Thank ‘Q”

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