The WEF/UN/WHO/NWO/NATO/EU globalist agenda has succeeded in stirring up the world’s peoples to the point where each of us is directed to “be at each other’s throats,” intractable in our own indoctrinated “point of view,”  our own “identity” as  . . . you name it, there are all sorts of alternatives, each a tiny, fractionated group to which you might belong, and take your cues from that cult.

By and large, individuality is dead. The hive mind rules. Sovereign souls at one with all are all too rare.

I suggest that, in order to heal as a species, each of us, must intend to evolve ourselves into a sovereign individual,  by learning to expand and deepen awareness, and that includes explorations into the vast Mystery, the LOVE, that fills and fuels the universe.

And, of course, if we are serious in our quest for an expanding perspective within which to situate whatever polarized points of view we have been consciously or unconsciously railroaded into, then help arrives.

This help does not arrive in sound bites. Instead of indoctrination, we seek education, which is, in essence, as Socrates knew, a “drawing out or bringing forth” the innate powers of the mind and imagination..

We all share such powers.

We are rarely asked to invoke them.

That time is now.

Here are two individuals whom I consider helpful in the quest to expand the mind to the point where we enter the Socratic definition of “wise:” no matter how much we think we know, we know that we do not know.

The first, Magenta Pixie, who channels a collective consciousness she calls “The Nine,” in this short video addresses the question of androgyny. We all know especially young people who are not only woke, but gender-bending or reversing, or smearing in one way or another. There are also plenty of “individuated” people who have absorbed, for example, Jung’s understanding that the integrated female harbors an inner male (animus) and the integrated male an inner female (anima). Magenta’s perspective on this phenomenon is helpful.


Next, she addresses the much larger context in which gender-bending arises, and which intersects, currently, thanks to the Supreme Court vitiating Roe v. Wade, with the increasingly acrimonious debate surrounding abortion.

I beg you to listen to this entire podcast, 102+ minutes long. If you can stay with it, prepare for your mind and heart to be blown wide open.  As Magenta says, we must begin by differentiating questions about legality from questions about morality/ethics. For to remain within the legal is to trivialize the exceedingly complex issues which arise when we begin to explore the transcendant context within which the ethical questions arise.

By this time, your brain and heart will be stretched beyond recognition! Breathe. Don’t expect to “take in” and be able to truly absorb and integrate such an expanded view of the complexity of sexuality, pregnancy, babies, mothers, fathers, birth, abortion, etc. all at once.

Then, when you’re good and ready, please turn to Colin Tudge (biologist, prolific author, philosopher), who, in a 20 page pdf, provides a clear, left-brain history of western philosophy while also utilizing his right brain and heart to recognize that the abandonment of transcendent metaphysical questions, as well as the refusal to acknowledge “intuition,” or what we “know in our bones,” are, taken together, what has led to our current predicament, with scientism and technocracy hell bent on eliminating organic nature.

Bring Back Metaphysics!


  1. Hello Ann, thank you for this post. I watched Magenta’s presentations, but have not yet read Colin’s, though I do agree with his statement… “with scientism and technocracy hell bent on eliminating organic nature.”

    Just a comment, if I may, with respect to Magenta’s Trinity explanation, which I “get”, and of course the optimum would be man and woman and the incarnating Soul’s agreement to incarnate, however, let’s say that 50 percent of the population is “juiced” (Magenta’s word) and 50 percent is not, and both segments, according to Magenta, are having multiple births, then once more we will be faced with duality and world conflict. Did I miss something where that is not a potential outcome?

    I agree with Socrates: “no matter how much we think we know, we know that we do not know.” Helps with the objectivity!

    I look forward to your posts, Ann, thanks again! Love, B.

    1. Good question. Wish I had time to go back and relisten to what she said about the juiced and unjuiced getting together. As I recall, she says everything depends on the juiced partner intending to detoxify, and also that those having multiple births are twin souls, and usually both unjuiced. If someone wants to correct me?

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