ELON MUSK, “neutrally polarized.” ELON MUSK, ET?


I’ve long thought that if anyone presently living on earth is an ET, or an ET/human hybrid, it’s Elon Musk. And it’s not just his seemingly extraordinary productivity in diverse realms that makes me think this; nor is it the fact that some of these realms are oriented towards the space within which Earth is embedded (Starlink, Space X).

First off, it’s his “looks,” especially in pics that show large, staring, seemingly emotionless eyes.

Next, it’s the extraordinary controversy that surrounds him — even now, when opinion is trending towards viewing him as a savior (of Twitter). For example, I listened to a video last night with Ole Dammegard and others wherein especially Ole kept repeating, “I just don’t trust him. I just don’t trust him. I just don’t trust him at all.”

Then, for me, there’s his AI connection (off world AI?), via Neurolink. He’s even said he wouldn’t mind putting a chip into one of his own kids, should the need arise. I.e., should the child suffer neurological or other damage that could be repaired by Neurolink.


And finally, just how did Elon Musk happen to gather the backing of not only the DOD, as the largest Pentagon contractor, but I presume, all or most of the banksters, so that he can throw money around like literally no one else? I.e., what’s behind him?

All of which makes me lean towards thinking that, despite his work with Twitter now, and that, for now, Neurolink is meant to help, rather than harm, Elon is not necessarily a good guy! In fact, to me, he seems to defy our usual categories of good and evil.

To me, there are two older, extensive (ET?) “channelings” that I tend to find more interesting and provocative than others. One is the Seth material (just so you know; it’s still well worth reading) and the other is the one I will refer to now: The Ra Material.

Let us ask: in the fascinating language of the Law of One:  is Elon Musk STO or STS? Service to Others or Service to Self?


Magenta Pixie (a current, very interesting channeler, of “The White Wing Consciousness of Nine”) tells us why it’s more difficult to polarize negatively, as STS:

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Magenta Pixie has a perspective on Elon Musk that says he is neither STO or STS, but that instead, he is “neutrally polarized.” Which means: he can act either way, depending.

Note: she says,  polarized neutral “is, if you will, an extra terrestrial code.”

Elon, the ET!

This makes sense of why some people don’t trust him (he’s neither a good guy or a bad guy, but can act in either direction, depending), since he’s a “balancer,” something which he does seem to be showing in his work to decontaminate twitter.

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