FULL MOON IN CANCER punctuates increased influence of TAURUS . . .

Why do I say this? Hopefully, by the end of this blog post you will know.

First, here’s the Full Moon chart, set for the minute the Sun and Moon oppose one another exactly in Bloomington, Indiana, 6:48 pm EST today.


Then, if you haven’t done so already, check Laura Bruno’s post.

Full Moon in Cancer and North Node in Taurus ~ January 17-18, 2022

Okay, so Taurus is already entering into the picture . . .

And check my post yesterday, for comments on Sun/Pluto in Capricorn opposed Moon in Cancer.

Before furthering the discussion, please note that Cancer and Taurus are the most natural, fertile and nourishing signs in the zodiac, by far. And yet they are both featured now, in dark, freezing, icy mid-January. Hmmm. . . .

The reason Taurus is featured, Laura explains. The nodal cycle of the moon moves backwards .  .  .


. . . and, in May 2020, very shortly after the plandemic began, the nodes moved into Gemini and Sagittarius.

North Node: where we are going; South Node, where we came from.

Okay, looking at that Gemini/Sagittarius axis, one might say that since May 2020, we have been deeply absorbed in picking up information about “what’s really going on,” re: “the virus” (Gemini), on biological, psychological, sociological, political, geopolitical levels. AND, whatever “facts” or “news” we choose to focus on in any or all the above areas, depends upon our overall Sagittarian perspective, which includes our views of what Truth is or can be, as well as our values. Within one perspective, MSM news jumps into the foreground. Within another, “alternative” news pops up.

But, I’d say, speaking from my triply Sagittarian (Sun/Ascendant Mars) point of view, one which aims to continuously expand my philosophical perspective, I’d say that, for the most part, people in this nation have been mentally captured into what Big Med, Big Pharma, and Big Media have declared, ad nauseam, as Reality. In fact, I’d say that Jon Rappoport’s new post, that this country is one giant (Rockefeller Medicine) HOSPITAL is exactly right.


Please read his post before going any further here to begin to grok just how completely the Cartesian “I think I am” with its corollary, that my body is utterly separate,  a mere machine, something that “I,” that is, my mind, drags along with me, and scares me, terrifies me, needs to be constantly analyzed and fixed by outside medical and other “experts,” has engulfed western culture.

For if my body’s not fixed, it will die, which means “I” will die! HELP!

Remember, what’s driving the Covid Con is F.E.A.R. (False evidence Appearing Real), and ultimately, this resolves to fear of death.

Once we recognize the Cartesian mind/body split as a profound, pervasive phenomenon, one which has informed and undergirded western culture since the rise of the industrial age, we then realize that Taurus, which governs the body, both our own body and the body of Mother Earth, has been mistakenly, or by design, relegated to machine-like status, too.

The organic notion that the body is a biome, an living ecosystem, entangled with the greater living ecosystem in which we all live and move and have our being, is thus foreign to the western way of thinking. People who recognize this more all-inclusive permacultural way of thinking, people like Dr. Zach Bush, for example, are simply, not understood. Note that this video was done in 2019, pre-Covid.

Okay, so back to Cancer, where the Full Moon sits today, balancing beautifully, the cold hard traditional structures of Capricorn, both visible and invisible — including that of the hospital system! — which are being taxed, stressed, fractured, even dismantled day by day, thanks to death/rebirth Pluto in Capricorn, as the Covid Con continues, and the Sun, on this Full Moon day, just happens to illumine that purgative process, asking us to remember, remember, the softness, the care, the Full Moon’s Cancerian nourishment of our bodily Taurean biomes, and the Mother Earth of which each of her smaller bodies, including our own, is an antenna reaching to the stars.

Okay, now back to the Nodal axis, which, over the past few days, has been moving from Gemini/Sagittarius into Taurus/Scorpio. North Node in Taurus, where we are going, down into the body, our own bodies, portions of the Mother Earth body. What we must integrate: South Node, in Scorpio, all the buried/denied, or projected emotions that we don’t like to think are down in there, settled into, becoming one with, the tissues and bones of our physical bodies.

Think of the physical body as the outpicturing of what is unconscious within us. In fact, think of the physical body as identical to the unconscious. (See The Book of the It, by Georg Groddeck (1961), which deeply influenced my thinking a long time ago. Groddeck is regarded as a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine.)

In which case, symptoms in the body translate into symbols, signals that something is wrong, missing, gone off, and please do something about it! Once we become acutely aware of the signals within our body, and what they mean, emotionally and spiritually, we no longer fear them, because we are in communication, our conscious with our unconscious minds. That unconscious (the body) is a storehouse, not just of our experiences, memories in this life, and past lives, but it is in communion with the unconscious of everyone, since we are all entangled in this beautiful biome called Earth.

One psychosomatic example: Someone close to me has longstanding heart issues (this is prior to the vax) . His genetics, on both sides, do not include heart as an issue. But: his life has included heartbreak, over and over again, by a wife who kept cheating on him then, each time, seem to agree to return. After awhile, as you can imagine, this drama took its toil inside his own body, specifically, his dear, big heart.

So, the North Node enters Taurus now, and will remain there until July 2023. During this precious time, we have an opportunity to listen to our bodies, to become sensitive to what they are continually telling us, with symptoms of many kinds, that alert us to when something is out of balance — not, or no longer, in harmony. Aided by our decision to also identify, acknowledge and honor old stuck emotions as they begin to move, to well up from the deep, the body/mind/soul then synchronizes into the symphony of voices arising from emotional, material, and mental realms.

And . . . drumroll . . . just as the north node enters Taurus,  volatile, unpredictable Uranus, which has been moving through Taurus since March, 2019, heralded by a volcanic eruption in Hawaii, turns, to go direct.  Turns tomorrow, January 18, to go direct. Always, the turning times are most intense. And that it turns now to go in forward motion tells us that whatever we have been working through in terms of the eruptive energy in our bodies, and in the collective unconscious of humanity, is now transitioning to a new phase.

So, we have . . .

Tsunami Warning

Are we surprised? Well of course, that’s the nature of Uranus, to surprise, to shock! And yet, because we are aware that this particular week, the week of the Cancer Full Moon, the week when the North Node shifts into Taurus, we know that we must remain both aware of all the personal and collective unconscious forces seeking release, as well as centered, our own bodily antenna connected deeply within Mother Earth, and radiating the frequency of LOVE, Full Moon in Cancer Love, the nourishing Love that knows and feels we are all connected, all one human tribe.

One final note: this morning, when I asked our nearest neighbors if we (Green Acres Permaculture Village) could utilize the their now dormant back garden to grow our tomatoes and basil this year, I was surprised at their instant, eager agreement. “But we get some tomatoes too, right?” she asked. “Of course!” I replied. At which point he handed me a quart jar of his very very special, just made, Armenian borscht.

Notice the Full Moon chart again: communicative Mercury at 9° Aquarius, and sitting exactly on the Descendant of the coming Full Moon chart, is moving to exactly square Uranus at 10° Taurus. I surprised them with my question, they surprised me with their response, and this interchange suddenly opened an entirely new era in our Aquarian relations. YES!

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