GOVERN-MENT: Govern, control the mass mind, with psy-ops: 911, Covid, Climate Change . . . what’s next?


As I walk about Bloomington Indiana, I am struck by the persistence of those who still wear masks. I’d guess about one in 25 or so. The lone clerk and/or lone customer in any store, the lone stranger walking around or, I kid you not, running or biking uphill! Always I sense an aura of isolation, loneliness, as if stuck inside some kind of mental helmet . . . oh and one more:  driving about town masked and alone, with closed windows — which is, of course, the ultimate absurdity, since masks  supposedly prevent others’ (poisoned) exhalations from invading you. Or is the masked uphill runner or biker even more deluded, given that he or she is seriously diluting/disturbing/suffocating the increased need for O2 with re-inhaled CO2.

My son Colin asked a young man on the street the other day why he continued to wear a mask. He was told, “Oh, it’s a habit of mine . . . and actually, I like it.” Yes, some people do like to stay hidden in public — I include here young women who don’t have time that day to put on make-up — and the three-year covid op, for them, is yet ongoing, offering the perfect opportunity to not show their faces in public. It used to be only thieves and other criminals thought like this. But now, we can point to the criminal government that, you betcha, will drag out yet another collective psy-op soon, modeled on the protocols around covid because, after all, they sure worked! Just like 911 worked. And further back: just like the JFK assasination worked. Just like fake scenarios to ignite wars worked (works!).

Induce F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) in unawakened humans (those who don’t (yet?) lead sovereign lives), and they turn compliant, almost child-like, innocent, automatically looking to Big Daddy govern-ment to save them.

Just like “climate change” is working.

Fifteen Signs That You Might Be in an Abusive Relationship

— With Your Government

Notice the similarities between a one-to-one abusive relationship, and a relationship between you as a human and your government.

What next, fake alien invasion?

If so, oops!

Hey, maybe “they” ARE real. And maybe, just maybe . . .

Oh wow. Stranger and stranger . . .

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