Have you noticed? The growing darkness ever since Equinox, and now, during (geopolitically dreaded) October 2022, resolutely insisting that you, your partnerships and other relationships, your family, your neighborhood, your community, region, on and on out to the entire “civilized” world — grapple with the shadow, that (nasty? shameful? guilty? remorseful? fearful? furious? resentful? pick your poison!) formerly hidden part of yourself, your relationships, your family, etc. etc., long denied and/or projected, and now erupting into the light?

THIS is original nature of the Great Awakening: awakening to, exploring, coming to terms with, making peace with, integrating, FIRST, the suppurating darkness within the self.

And if you feel discouraged by the magnitude of the darkness being revealed within, be grateful. Remember: THE STRONGER/LARGER THE LIGHT, THE STRONGER/LARGER THE SHADOW!

I know, I know. But wait. Can’t do it. Even though this work to integrate my own darkness feels utterly necessary, I find it totally impossible. . . .

Yes, each of us is, or is designed to be a precious, compassionate vehicle for divine Love to pour through. And each of us occupies a physical body with strong, often conflicting, egocentric desires, buttressed by a (left) brain that seeks to justify, prove, dogmatically claim — sheer selfishness as a God-given right!

Yep! As all-too-human beings, we must continuously work to both acknowledge and integrate these two, the light and the darkness within, as long as we are alive on planet Earth.

It’s necessary!

It’s impossible!

It’s an ongoing struggle that will never entirely end, as long as we are embodied.

Get used to it.

Learn to relish it.

For only as we struggle, do we grow.

For an incredible substack post filled with transformative personal depth work into one person’s own darkness inside the covid years, and filled with fabulous memes, I suggest you do what I did, read the post all the way through. As an unvaxxed outlaw myself, I could feel myself delving down into my own personal depth work with the same. Yes. We are all companions in what Clif High calls  “Grappling” with karma, both our own and beyond during this extended climactic moment during the turn of the ages from collectivist Pisces to individuated Aquarius.




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