What got me going on this seemingly perennial topic, was the much-retweeted post about Greta deleting her 2018 tweet saying we’d all be dead by 2023 if fossil fuel continued.

Yeah baby!


So .  .  . I decided to do a post on “climate change.” Why?” Because as soon as they’re done decimating the global financial system, they will pivot again, and likely as not, to this topic.

Or, maybe I should say “done being decimated by.” It’s unclear whether the financial system collapse, which seems to have been inevitable, predicted by many for decades now, as a “multi-generational ponzi scheme,” was actually deliberately timed, or not.

Oh, but wait! We won’t even know if “climate change” is next on the fear-porn agenda! Why not? Because If fiat money goes kaput, so does internet “news.” I mean, duh! We won’t have money to pay for that or any other utility!

If the de-banking was actually, deliberately, timed, then maybe it came too soon? They got the false flag order wrong?

In any case: here’s another post that has gone viral. A trail of coincidences that do appear to lead inevitably to the sudden appearance on the global scene by this young schoolgirl. I intuitively knew at the time it was fishy. Goddek has done his homework.

The comment thread includes these memes:

Here’s one more, not on that thread:

Aha! And just when I had decided to do a post on “climate change” I see that Tucker just did one. With his usual trenchant humor.

He mentions Paul Ehrlich, his 1968 book, The Population Bomb that might arguably be called the origin myth for the climate change agenda..

Why is anyone still taking Paul Ehrlich seriously?

In early January this year, CBS 60 Minutes featured 90-year-old failed prophet Ehrlich once again.

To which Michael Shellenberger then responded:

Hmmm . . . just discovered that The Club of Rome was started that same year, 1968, with its famous report, Limits to Growth, taking the world by storm in 1972.  Did the Club of Rome come into existence as a response to Ehrlich? I have no idea.


Wait a minute. Maybe “climate change” is already failed fear porn. Maybe we’re all just so fucking tired of hearing that there’s actually such a thing as “too much” CO2, when CO2 is exactly what plants need to grow!

Maybe, just maybe . . . it’s time for the dreaded “last card,” the “extraterrestrial threat.” See this, on youtube. (couldn’t load it here.)

Whatever the “threat,” the name of the game is Fear, FEAR, F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real).



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