Hmmm . . . but what about the Moon?

See yesterday’s post 

Here we go. . . . One of the usual synchronicities . . .

(I’ve grown to expect them. And, the more I expect them, the more they appear. As if the universe is speaking, communicating. YES. “You are both a sovereign soul, and, you are in continuous intimate communion with all that is.”)

Okay, here goes. Yesterday’s post focused on the finger pointing at the moon, and spoke of how we tend to look at the finger rather than what it’s pointing to. Paul Cudenec thus gives a perfect metaphor for the many “look over here, not over there” attractions (distractions) that both the monolithic MSM (now called, more and more regularly, FAKE NEWS, thanks to DJT) and the quarreling alternative news fall under the spell of.

But of course, we could look at the Moon itself as just another damn pointing finger!

Actually, when my tin foil hat is firmly on, and so large and pointy that it threatens to attract far-off lightning, I remember my own conclusions about the Moon, which came about gradually, several decades ago.

Back Story:

To me, the most extraordinary fact of life on earth has always been the phenomenon of eclipses, both solar and lunar, although solar eclipses make the phenomenon more obvious. That is this: the Moon, despite being multiple times smaller than both Earth and Sun, and much much nearer to Earth than to the Sun, exactly covers the Sun during a total solar eclipse, and exactly shadows the Earth during a total lunar eclipse. How could that be? To me the fact of eclipses has always felt so miraculous that I assumed them to be clues, pointers, keys — to the divinity of all creation. That God, or Prime Creator, or whatever you want to call the mysterious, apparently guiding force of Life on Earth, had put the Moon there, of that specific size and that specific distance between Sun and Earth, so that rim to rim, they would on various predictable occasions, be recognized as proof.

But then, a few decades ago, I came across conspiracy theories that claimed the Moon is a hollowed out, artificial object, dragged into position by some alien race, with inhabitants living on the interior, and used to both surveil and to charge up the emotionality of Earth’s human inhabitants.

For Clif High, what I called “the divine” equals “space aliens;” — so the two theories dovetail.

So, synchronous with yesterday’s post on the Moon, last night I listened to a new substack message from clif high, entitled LUNATICS NEVER LOOK UP!

In this podcast, he begins by describing an ancient civilization that he claims was here prior to the Moon. What interests him about this civilization, is that it appears to have been peaceful. For example, archeological digs uncover no toys for kids that had to do with weapons of war; and furthermore this civilization, he claims, lasted for 2000 years.

Contrast that with the extreme emotionality now tumultuously circulating the globe, flashing “WORLD WAR III” continuously into all our fear-fevered brains. Imagine the “loosh” (negative emotions) being harvested by alien species as food. What a feast!

So his podcast was timely, to say the least. Then he began to focus on the Moon itself, and notes that he now agrees with most of what David Icke has to say about the Moon, although he doesn’t assume that the space aliens who occupy the Moon’s interior are necessarily reptilian. In any case, here’s an overview of this theory, which, BTW, even has a wikipedia entry, where it is, of course, debunked.

The Hollow Moon Theory: Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

Clif uses this theory to make a larger point. Get used to it, he tells us, because we are beginning to enter a period of time in which “novelty” is going to increase exponentially. That none of our former beLIEfs (or paradigms in which they are embedded) will survive this extraordinary opening.

In other words, to use yesterday’s metaphor, it’s not just all the so called facts, factoids, lies, agendas, hostilities, etc. that surround the pointing finger; no. The Moon too attracts all sorts of “lunatics.” And not just literally, but conceptually, imaginatively, etc. And with the Moon, comes the seemingly infinite mysterious “space” in which it is embedded.

So: what do we really know, for sure, about anything, really? Nothing. Yes. “The older I get, the less I know.”

Kathleen Devanney in today’s substack, illustrates what we are beginning to sail through with an even better metaphor:





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