Paul Cudenec on fingers pointing at the moon

Paul Cudenec has just published an unusually articulate and sweeping overview of the globalist agenda and how environmental and other sincere activists are duped into following it.

The King and the Criminocrats

Here’s how it ends:

Because the criminocracy presents its agenda as benevolent and progressive, others will be happily working for its global machineries without ever seeing the dark reality behind the rainbow-coloured facade. I place the blame firmly at the feet of those behind all the deceit and manipulation, rather than of those fooled into participation.


Cudenec reminds us of an old adage, one of my favorites. Here are a few versions of it.


I guess there must have been lots of “stupid ones” in China back then. Just like now. And not just in China. Everywhere. We humans, so immensely creative with our attempts to depict, copy, illustrate, predict “reality,” tend to get lost in our maps and forget to feel/sense the territory they pretend  to copy which is always, always, vaster and more mysterious than any of our efforts to map/copy/digitize it.

Not only visual maps, but concepts, words, language — we get lost in our minds. Literally.


Yes, I know lots of people in this academic town (Bloomington, IN) who, rather than practice something authentically, learning from their own often painful, extended experience, read about it and quickly pretend to know something. Even write essays, short stories, novels, plays — all with utterly no basis in the nitty gritty of extended, often risky, encounters with whatever or whoever seeks to teach them what their soul insists they need to know.

Here’s my favorite.

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