All day today, I’ve experienced a strange exaltation, subtle but strong. And this, despite another serious crisis for my son Colin, whom I visited today in the rehab facility. (See BTW: Most of my attention, and thus my writing, is now going to detail his healing process (from a great catastrophe that should have killed him, on August 16), where I do daily updates.

Today’s exaltation followed yesterday’s grieving. Also all day long, until I got out into the garden for an hour at 4 pm, to work with others as we begin the process of “putting the garden to bed.” That physical activity not just grounded me, it also, paradoxically, uplifted me, so that once again, I shifted, into exaltation — filling with that strange, strong energy that propelled me me until I fell asleep (barely) last night.

It’s been like that for me, inflation one day, followed by deflation the next day,  over and over again, lately. (Since when, the past two weeks? Not sure.) More like a spiralling. A balloon that pops on the second day; thn third day day, another, larger balloon swelling with exaltation, that pops the next day, into heartfelt, grinding grief, unless I connect with Mother Earth, feel my body as an extension of hers. Then whee! I fill with that strange, strong energy yet again, even on the same day that it had popped . . .

During deflation/near despair times, I feel the weight of our collective pain, ignorance, longing; furious with the idiocy of those who would still pretend that they can get their way by bludgeoning others. (But wait, that’s me, too. I want them to wake up! I want to shake them until they do!)

During inflation/exaltation times, I sense a huge turning point, a portal, that we as a species have now entered, thanks to the Israeli/Gaza drama. Reading this bioclandestine post, I couldn’t help but grin and nod my head.

Thanks to the free speech of awakened individuals, “this might just go down as a turning point in human civilization.” YES.

Another indication that We, the People are taking charge:

Laura Bruno is also sensing this turning point. 

And both of us can’t help but remember this Q drop, over and over and over again. It has been in the back of my mind all these many years since Q began to spur us to quicken our collective intelligence. Knew this drop was critical. Wondered what it could possibly mean.

It’s all so very mysterious . . .




2 thoughts on “THE GREAT AWAKENING?

  1. I too was remembering We will save Israel for last. That is so interesting. Shifting out world is a tall order. I imagine that i will be in awe many many times over. You remain in my most loyal and sincere thoughts Ann. Collin continues to amaze

  2. Hi Ann, in case none of your friends in Australia have let you know – the ‘NWO/woke’ Leftest govt here in Australia failed to convince/manipulate the public to change our Constitution to include a Trojan Horse/UN inspired additional ‘indigenous Voice to parliament’ on the week. The change would have had no effect to assisting the indigenous but only brought them and the rest of Australia under further control of the Corporation of Australia. (We lost our independent sovereignty through stealth in the 70s’80s. The National vote very healthily defeated the Govt ‘YES’ proposal. Another positive sign of progress. My thought & prayers are with you & Colin x

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