How the Trans Phenomenon Has TRANS-MOGRIFIED Society


Believe it or not, the memes that follow cluster together to document a single ghastly, accelerating, chaotic dissolution of not just the “social order,” but what renders each of us a sovereign soul at one with all.

It all began, one might argue, as Dave, of X22 Report does, in last night’s broadcast, sometime in the ’80s when, instead of real competitions featuring those with the most talent, drive, and hard work, declared first, second, and third place winners, it was decided (by whom?) that all children, in any “competition,” need to be recognized as special. Thus everybody gets a trophy.

I would argue that it also began (also in the ’80s?) with the predominance of group projects in schools, which, in the interests of cooperative solidarity, encouraged slackers and discouraged high achievers.

It’s likely that both these social trends arose as attempts to correct what one might argue was an over-emphasis on individualism, with the cultural result not just capitalism, but predatory capitalism.

In other words, socialism, i.e., we’re all equal, not in the sense not of equality of opportunity, but equality of results. I.e., ultimately, we’re all the same, an undifferentiated mass.

So, with the playing field thus leveled to oblivion, the creation of differences, distinctions, began again, only now with an insidiously malevolent aim, to result in, ultimately, depopulation, via the obliteration of women, the castration of men, and the commodification of children (and their organs and, their adrenalized blood) into prey for pedophiles and worse.

Also, one could also argue that “it all began” earlier, with a technological invention, “the pill,” in the early ’60s, soon accompanied, in the late ’60s, by the second wave of feminism (I among them) which promoted sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, and ultimately, the utter obliteration of the protective family unit, bedrock of the social order.

And of course, that had actually started earlier, with the end of WW II, and the GI Bill, which encouraged returning GIs to leave their extended families, for college and newly built Levittowns elsewhere, their wives isolated at home in the newly atomized “nuclear family,” which, with the next (my) generation, was, frankly, bound to explode.

Or, you could go back further, to the industrial revolution . . . but let’s not; let’s just stick with what’s apparently happened since the ’80s.

And yes, it does seem to be the apotheosis, or, better, the apocalyptic finale of all that went before.

BTW: Riley Gaines had to be escorted out, and confined to a room for three hours, so much was violence threatened against her.

If you don’t know what this next meme refers to, look up Bud Light advertising, which now features a man pretending to be a woman, and has already inspired boycotts galore.

BTW: the CEO of this company, in charge of “growth and long-term commercial strategy,” used to work for (deep state) CIA . . .

Let’s face it, shall we?

BTW: I’m relieved to report that both Idaho, the state I called home as a child, and Indiana, the state that, for the last 20 years, I have called home,have now joined 11 other states in banning all “gender-affirming” care for children.





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