In the Midst of the Emotional Maelstrom, a FEW FUNNY(?) MEMES


Please, let us remember, it’s a short step from trafficking children for sex to indoctrinating children to be sexual from infancy on, to normalizing pedophilia, to confusing children about “gender,” to pretending to change their gender via hormone blockers and surgery. All with the aim of transhumanizing human beings to the point where we transmogrify into robots, with no soul, no free will.

It all just smears together. Trafficked Kids . . . Woke . . . Transgender.

Sound of Freedom is the clarion call to figure all this out.  It’s impossible to actually suffer through this movie and not be forever changed.

So. Even if the covid con didn’t wake you up . . .

We’re ALL still living through this nonsense.

Or a man, for that matter. I just heard about two male friends of a male friend of mine, early 30s, who both just got their penises cut off. Do they really think that’s going to make them into women?

Despite the Buy-den administration officially favoring pride month by inviting trans folk to the WH where one of them promptly bared his/her breasts  . . . fewer and fewer are actually buying the propaganda.

Hey, and remember our greatest weapon: HUMOR. There’s nothing like it to make what is obvious to some look totally ridiculous, even to others.

Meanwhile, I’m about to order this tee-shirt.

Maybe somebody will talk to me? Or will they still be too fearful to actually show up.

In which case . . .








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