SOF tainted? Tell me, who, or what, is NOT tainted?

Sound of Freedom still going strong, here! In leftist academic Bloomington Indiana!


Okay, back at it, after a few days off.

I begin again on the day of the New Moon and nodal shift.

Five posts so far on what is now colloquially known as SOF. And of course, the critics, starting with WAPO, The Guardian, the NYT, and Rolling Stone, immediately labeled it as Q-anon associated. (Translation: a likely-military group, “Q,” inspired thousands of “anons” to start researching for themselves by asking questions.)

I saw the movie on July 4th. On July 14, Celia Farber, put out a post which referenced an extraordinary video by Greg Reese. That was the day when I decided to take some time off. And though I didn’t consciously connect my decision with what I had just come across, I’m telling you now.

Why doesn’t Angel Studios Understand the Implications of Pointing to Clinton/Podesta GNOs in the Fight Against Child Trafficking?

Celia Farber was clearly upset, her foundation rocked, by Reese’s video. Mine too.

And I appreciate Reese making a distinction between supporting SOF, which he does, for its resounding message to the whole world about the ghastly reality of child trafficking, and the background info that he uncovered which then, of course, got instantly picked up by both those who are too cynical to think that this, or any film, could have such an immediate impact for GOOD in the world, and by “influencers” in the “truth community” who pride themselves for excavating gunk beneath any seeming-gold. Not that I don’t appreciate what they sometimes do actually unearth. Every little bit counts to one who is devoted to a continuously expanding perspective.


In response to all this, let me confess two things.

First: I shook hands with Hillary Clinton, at an invite-only event in Jackson Hole, back in August 1995, when she was there to meet with David Rockefeller. At the time, I was a feminist liberal Democrat, and Hillary was my hero. Interesting detail: the book that would rock my foundation a few years later, MK Ultra mind-controlled presidential sex slave Cathy O’Brien’s Trance Formation of America, was first published in September, 1995, only one month later!

Second: Several weeks ago, I noticed that my dwindling IRA contains shares in a military-industrial weapons manufacturing company. Which one? I’ll have to check (and change). The discovery of this made me sick to my stomach. I had recently changed from one agent to another, and unlike with the first, I had forgotten to specify no stocks in military, or medicine, please.

So, yes, you see? I’m tainted.

Who, living inside this culture is NOT tainted, I ask. Is it possible not to be tainted? Ted Kaczyinski (another possibly mind-controlled person, who had been subjected to some kind of MK Ultra experiment at Harvard), was so freaked out by what he knew about this culture (DO read his Manifesto) that he tried to escape to the woods in a cabin he built by hand. But his mind and emotions and been so infected by his time in our sick society that he not only failed to purify himself, he magnified  his own ruination by deliberately taking others down.

Here’s the 4 minute Reese Report. video. And yes, the photo of the painting is apt. Who does NOT want to keep their eyes covered?





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