Is Putin’s Blitzkrieg over? Did it succeed? Was it necessary? Was it “planned long ago?”


Kerry Cassidy says that Putin now controls Ukraine. And that he is ready to negotiate with Ukraine.


As much as I “identify” as a peace activist, Putin’s overwhelming determination to “de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine” appears to have succeeded, and though I cringe at his methods, and wonder how else he could have achieved the same, I do celebrate what appears to be the result. Even so, the usual ethical question arises: does the end justify the means?

Perhaps the answer is, “it all depends.”

And in this case, from what I can pick up, besides money laundering, child trafficking, and multiple U.S. bio-weapons labs, Ukraine stands alone as the central global hub for all sorts of nefarious deep state individuals, organizations and activities. These include . . .


Some details:


For an insider’s view of what it felt like to be there in 2019 . . .

“Donbass and Crimea – an insider view from journalist Eva Bartlett”



Looks to me like Putin’s “special military operation” killed multiple birds with one stone, not the least of which was to drive home the recognition that, only three days past the first return of Pluto to its own natal place in the U.S. chart since July 4, 1776, the near-continuous American use of hegemonic imperial power righteously disguised as “promoting democracy” across the entire planet while robbing other nations of their natural resources, impoverishing their peoples, and sucking them into massive unpayable debt — has been not only exposed to the light of day, but has now died a tortuous, agonizing, ignominious death.

Karma is a bitch.


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