UKRAINE: The carnage resumes . . .

And of course, the longer it goes on the more dangerous it becomes. Once again, the fog of war shrouds the world with the rotting corpse of all the nightmarish memories of untold centuries of humans utilizing “war” to profit weapons manufacturers and central bankers, throw entire populations into confusion and F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), and of course, forward the now overt, thanks to the covid con, deep state agenda: depopulation.

Though it appeared yesterday that saner heads would prevail, or at least that Zelensky would see the light and negotiate . . . NOT.  Question: Is Zelensky a puppet? And if so, whose? The following, rather than shedding light on the subject, like so many other perspectives being offered (you might want to subscribe to; the current “Weekender” compilation), adds complexity.

Meanwhile, Clif High, in his latest video last night, put forward the same perspective as I did in my last two posts. And thanks to Celia Farber, whose blog I now follow, I can share her transcript of the relevant part of that video.


Here’s another perspective, one which rises above the current battlefield, one human supposedly channeling an off-world source. I usually ignore “channelings,” but I appreciate this one, as it nudges me to move into compassion for the entire situation, rather than to try to figure out whether or not the conflict is justified, by whom, and why. Just that, compassion. Pulling infinite LOVE from the universe down from Above and up from Below into my open heart, to circulate there, and then radiate out to the entire suffering world.

And where there is death, there is always the promise of rebirth, as here:




One thought on “UKRAINE: The carnage resumes . . .

  1. Clif High is so helpful. I really like that you include his videos in your blog, Ann. I liked how he explained the Khazarians and how they decided to become Jewish. Didn’t know that that was where Yiddish came from. He made sense about the war….at least to me. Good one Ann

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