Meditation on Pluto’s Return to the U.S. Chart and the Nature of Evil


As primal Pluto Returns, for the very first (and last?) time, to the degree which it occupied when the U.S. was born, on July 4, 1776, it occupies the sign of Capricorn — which governs forms, structures, goals, rules, regulations, traditions, limits, walls— to climax its multi-year battering of what gradually, during the 276 years since the U.S. A. was born, transmogrified into the overweening U.S. Empire — with, currently, 903 military bases all over the world, each indoctrinated to dominate — a recent substack post, by Dr. Robert Malone, is worth absorbing in its entirety, line by line.

With each observation the author renders a glittering, feverish gem, penetrating into the heart of . . . of what? Not of just one or all of the seventeen three-letter agencies, not just of the WHO, or the CDC, or the UN, or the IMF or the EU; not just of Gates, or Schwab, Clinton, or Fauci, or Buy-den, or whoever, but, he boldly asserts, echoing Hannah Arendt, of the sheer banality of evil. Yes. THE SWAMP, which, over centuries, has inevitably filled to the brim, and overflowed, flooding the atmosphere with the poison of overwhelming corruption and greed.

It’s hard for me to disagree with Malone. Though of course, certain figures do need to be identified, prosecuted, imprisoned, even hanged — he’s correct: these actions, one by one by one, will not get to the heart of it. AND, in this larger sense, it’s nobody’s “fault”!

For many years, I have contemplated this fact: All human-made structures, as they grow, reach a point where they become too bloated, unwieldy, and corrupted to continue. And that includes what some now call the (unelected) “administrative state.” After 276 years, the built-out structures governing the U.S. are now so top-heavy, that not only do they no longer serve their original purpose, but they cannot help but collapse.

In other words, we might as well stop looking for, and assuming, a single villain. Plenty of people, agencies, governments, etc. are implicated, especially at their tops, but with allies at every level. Usually, individuals and organizations are just looking after their own self-interest — encouraged by Darwinian capitalism; some, however, are not just all-too-human like the rest of us, but have transmogrified, over time, with decision after decision only in their own self-interest, and to hell with everybody else — to be labelled sociopathic; or, rarer, some people were actually born that way, with no capacity for remorse, i.e., psychopathic.

As an example of typical self-interest, let us realize that anyone who rules over any section of any administrative structure, naturally seeks to expand his or her territory, and thus get more prestige, money, and other perks, by offering more programs and hiring more people. That’s the way he or she “gets ahead,” climbing hopefully, rung by rung, eventually, to the “top” of an ever-expanding hierarchy. Of course, there’s always only room for one at the top of any triangular Capricorn structure, but there are always also, plenty of administrative minions within it, determined to get there.

Thus, as Robert Malone points out, no matter who we call upon to be the principal villain(s) whose head(s) must roll, let’s recognize that this now accelerating collapse was inevitable, given the magnificent human tendency to create and expand structures, both visible and invisible, through which energy flows.

Pluto entered Capricorn in early 2008, and has been purging, destroying, throwing relentless scrutiny on  traditional structures, organizations, corporations ever since. Our tri-partite form of government, its agencies, and even our Constitution itself; indeed, all human created forms, visible and invisible, have been subjected to its relentless devouring maw.

Over the last few years, Pluto has been approaching the degree it occupied when the U.S. was born, 27°32 Capricorn. 2022 was the year when it finally reached that degree for the first time.

On March 23, 2023, death/rebirth Pluto will leave earthy, rule-bound-and-break Capricorn for a preview of airy/mental/experimental Aquarius, for nearly three months, until June 11, when it returns to structural/traditional Capricorn, for its next to last bruising, blasting — bombing? nuclear bombing? — of all that we thought we held sacred, or, I should say, all that we took for granted, until January 24, 2024, when primal Pluto re-enters Aquarius to begin to experiment with innovative, hopefully cooperative approaches to common problems, to cobble together new networks and connectivity from the smashing of whatever hierarchical structures do remain — again, both visible and invisible.

Then, once again, on September 2, 2024, Pluto will return to late Capricorn, one final time, to remain there again, for nearly three months, until November 22, 2025, after which both our minds and our technology will be subjected to long-running transformation by the death/rebirth processes of Pluto in Aquarius, until 2044. 

Decentralization, plus horizontal networking. Power flowing from bottom up. Enormous innovation by free individuals who “think outside the box.” These humanity will invest with synergistic Aquarian energy of cooperation among equals.

However, Pluto’s entry into Aquarius will also herald the advancement of technocracy, A.I., roboticization, surveillance, transhumanism, and so on. Unless each of us, internally, communicates, communes with our own biological bodies, themselves honored as antennas for conscious, alive, brilliant Mother Earth, and her larger order, the solar system and beyond . . . unless we do this, unless we re-member ourselves, put ourselves back together again as embodied beings, then we might bottom out — and this “bottom” might not feel like our feet on holy ground, but instead be perceived as (automatically impoverished) simulation: digital, dots blinking in and out of the meaningless void, according to increasingly abstract AI algorisms.

During Pluto’s coming 20 year Age of Aquarius, the fight to get and remain sovereign will need to be recognized as crucial, on every level, from individual sovereignty to partnerships, family, neighborhood, affinity groups, town, city, to states, to nations, to earth herself in the larger cosmic order; but so will the tendency to “enhancement” to the point of replacement of the sovereign individual — and on up — via various invasive technologies.

Things aren’t going to get any easier, folks. So buckle up. We are in for the ride of our lives. 

Thank you Dr. Robert Malone.

The Banality of Evil

Let us contrast the above with another recent, unusually articulate, though more conventional, extended query — namely, who’s the top guy; once we find him, if we cut off his head, the corrupt evil hierarchy will dissolve — read this.

The Essence of Evil

The point is, both approaches are correct. Let us zoom out to the big picture and let us zoom in for details, which form and dissolve over and over as context widens. Both approaches exist. Both are real. All polarities in 3D have two poles, in continuous dynamic interaction.

Back when I was feverishly writing my PhD. dissertation, one night I had a dream, of Nietzsche’s eye, as a camera lens, widening, narrowing, widening, narrowing, over and over and over again. The dream remains with me  now, over 50 years later, as vivid as ever. It’s what I now call “alt-epistemology.”




LIVE, backwards = EVIL

LIVED, backwards = DEVIL

Both of these linguistic pairs, what Lewis Carroll referred to as semiordnilaps, are also, remember, mirror-images. And in this case, one might call them “opposites.”

Look in the mirror, and what do you see? We strive to present our “best face” to the mirror and to “the outside world.” That means of course, that there’s something else behind that best face, that mask.

Are you afraid of your real, authentic, unruly, even feral self as “evil”? Or do you dare to be truly, fully alive.

A case can be made that whoever is allowed his or her full, free expression, will be truly, fully alive.

A case can be made that whoever is prevented from full, free expression, that energy, bottled up, either stays stuck, causing depression, or explodes, to act out suffering — evil.



And yes. Those who are fully alive, naturally seek the company of others.

We are each a sovereign soul, at one with all.




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