MEME DREAM FEVER after three day weekend . . .

I wish I could say that I utilized my three day weekend to do a screen fast, at least part of the time. But I did not. Mainly because I had so much paperwork I had to catch up with, most of which involved the computer, and sometimes even the internet.

Gag. More and more. Just GAG. Way too much, as I’m sure everybody else is feeling too.

At least, I think to myself, righteously, my eyes aren’t glued to my phone while stumbling along outside, impervious to bird song. Not like nearly all the IU students around here. My daily 3-4 mile walks, as always, for over 60 years now, are moving meditations. I aim to let go of mind, feel myself into the body, and treasure its strong, sure movements through time and space. Aware . . . Noticing . . .

Noticing what’s inside me; what feverish mental scraps flit through, determined to fester, lodge in deep; pull them out, pull each one out; let it go; let’s go! Keep walking. Noticing.

Noticing what’s outside me, and, as usual, being tempted to judge, to say “that is NOT me.” Letting that go too, over and over and over again.

The other time of relative sanity is during my daily late afternoon practices, with this order: trampoline, then some chikung, then 5 pound weights for arm strengthening, then yoga, then more chi kung of various kinds, then taichi. Takes about an hour. I’m experimenting with more chikung exercises that show up on twitter. How to strengthen this or that. Because of course, at 82 years old, I am continuously needing to build muscle, rather than let sarcopenia reduce it further. Interesting. One can look at sarcopenia as the really obvious, natural beginnings of the incandescent process that will be (unless sudden accident or event) my way of gradually letting go of the material realm. Nope. Not nearly ready yet!

Okay, enough of that! Here’s a meme dream that covers much of what I have “concluded,” at least provisionally, in the ever-shifting landscape of so-called “reality” in these days when “What is real?” is no longer just a question for weirdos like me. Either that, or we’ve all turned into weirdos. So. . . welcome!

But then, of course, we haven’t. In fact, the younger you are, the more likely your education was instead, indoctrination.

So sad! Come on folks. Think! On your own! Let go of your hive mind and dig down in! Deep!

Unfortunately, it’s not fun; at least at first.

But you get used to having dirt in your eyes as you go down.

Some of my “conclusions,” at least so far. Any one of them might get reversed, as new “evidence” shows up. But, frankly, with these, it’s unlikely.

Look around. What do you see? Here’s where I’m most likely to judge . . .

Another that focuses on “physical appearance,” and this meme may actually hold some truth re: incapable of rebellion.

But, luckily . . . just in time?

Oh yeah, here are two that really get my goat . . .

First, so-called climate change, driven by human-caused “excess” of CO2, the very gas used by plants to grow! DUH!

Then there’s the most obvious global wound, which has been festering, oozing for how many decades now? Over a million dead or wounded in the last two years? Battlefields as slaughter grounds, loosh factories.



You might think I’m Republican . . .

And yes, I used to be a “Democrat.” Of course! Like any right-thinking person. But all that changed, morphed, some years, even decades, ago . . .

But actually, and here’s where another shift has taken place within me, especially given what appears to be Trump’s inability to admit mistakes (re: covid; but then, in that he’s no different than probably 95% of those who went along with the con, and how many millions of doctors, nurses, teachers, governments, etc???) and, at this point, what still appears to be his zionist capture. So . . .

Yeah. Loyalist, to my own unique sovereign soul, at one with all the other “losers.”







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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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