MEME DREAM, October 22, 2024: Personal, Interpersonal, Political

The following meme is NOT TRUE. My body is NOT a machine; my body is an organism, one living cell in the larger body of earth, which is one living cell in the larger body of this solar system, and on out, ad infinitum.

When we conceive the body as a mere machine, we’re deep into the mind/body split. Unless of course, we view the mind as a machine, too. Does the creeping takeover of AI portend that?

I say NO. I am forever, while I am embodied — and before that, and after that — a sovereign soul, just as are you.

Meanwhile, my living being is entwined with yours.

None of us is “alone.”

We are “all one”!!



I walk down the street, and this is what I see, compared to how NPCs see me coming towards them. Invariably, they are not just holding cell phones, but on them. Engaged. Distracted. Ignoring both their own bodies and the surround.

On the other hand, some whom I manage meet and greet, soul to soul, during that split second encounter, are also deeply entwined — and grateful! Our grinning flash of recognition lifts the hearts of both of us!

My perspective, is Jungian.

And when I see something in another that I detest; I then strive to recognize my own unconscious projection of that same quality and vow to take it back, while internally thanking the other for holding up the mirror —

—  in this manner, conflict is not only avoided, it melts.

Okay now, let’s make an abrupt switch, from recognizing the roots of conflict, and the wholeness which integration of the opposites inside the self promotes, to the “political realm,” where projections run rampant.

And yes, I favor Trump, since in order to vote, I must choose one side over the other. This is at the collective level. Remember that at least in personal life, we don’t have to opt for one or another opposite. In fact, we need to learn to occupy the infinite space between any two seeming polarities.

BTW: I remember my shock, in early 2020, when I realized that Democrats were actually going to get away with stealing the election, despite evidence of massive crowd rallies for Trump and Biden in his basement.  Remember this graphic?

Now paired with another, even more drastic?

Amazing. Same playbook.



Except that, for the last four years, Democrats have encouraged millions upon millions of illegals to cross our southern border from elsewhere, enticed by free phones, money, and voter registration. The purpose? To swell the numbers of Democrat votes.

However, this election year, Trump has a few new tricks up his sleeve . . .

Are we having fun yet? Might as well.





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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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