Meme Medley: EDUCATION (INDOCTRINATION). How it begins. How it radiates.

Wow! That’s a lot to chew on. Okay. Where shall we begin? (And where, or how, shall we end?) Hmmm . . . with our beLIEf in authorities of various kinds? Like this guy, with his “doctor”?


Oh wow! And remember, that be-lie-f in authority all starts with (official, standardized, taxpayer-funded, government approved) schooling (if not earlier, with programming from parents who were programmed as kids . . .)

Schooling extends and extends, becoming ever more expensive. Who pays for it? Parents, most of whom have to take out loans to help their children “get ahead.” Or students themselves, who end up with often useless degrees and enslaved by debt on the one hand, and indoctrinated, especially now, into woke bullshit, on the other hand.


“Woke” radiates out like a poisonous gas — indefinitely, personally, sociologically, culturally, politically.


And it’s true. Some of us CAN see you fools who view socially constructed “identity” as real. Who be-lie-ve in standard indoctrinated education.

Who? You might ask?

Here’s who.

But . . .

Oops. Should have kept my own mouth shut. Damn. So hard to stay within the lines, to pretend to be “obedient” for even a nanosecond.


Are YOU obedient??? Unthinkingly. Just “going along with the program . . . .” cuz it’s easier that way?

Me?  I’m “failing,” completely, to go along with the latest global psy-op . Nope. Just can’t blame anybody for anything anymore.

Instead, I long to reach into each person’s heart, to feel it beating, as one, with my own. And to mourn the death of each person whose heart no longer beats. And to ask that each one has/had a chance to walk their own sovereign path, unfold their own unique destiny.


I am a sovereign soul, at one with all.








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