ORIGIN MEMES: of War, of Peace

War comes from outside:

Outside the outside (nature) that is. Inside those infernal screens that have been controlling human perceptions since tell-lie-vision began. Or was it radio? Or papal proclamations? Or stone tablets? Or whatever. Whatever comes from outside your authentic sovereign soul is suspect, must be investigated: does this hurt me or help me find peace within.

For example, what does forced polarization do?

Yep. Take sides, damn it! Do what the fake news tells you! Do what it does!

Because, we need to get this war going! How long have we been waiting for it? Way too long. Can’t even tell if our false flag (that Israel didn’t know that Hamas was going to wantonly slaughter civilians) worked!


Come on! Send our young people off to war! Draft ’em! About time!

Peace begins within me.

More and more We the People are waking up.


Yes. Even when one’s faith wavers. Yes.

Just remember:




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