November 1: looking forward to November 8, Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse CONJUNCT URANUS on Election Day (corrected version)


Whew. We made it through the dreaded, fateful October, without some kind of major false flag to avert the upcoming mid-term elections, said to be the most fateful in American history (so far) and, wouldn’t you know, occurring on the very day of a Full Blood Moon, Total Moon Eclipse to be visible over most of the North America (as well as China, Russia, Korea, Japan . . .). Hmmm . . . that kind of synchronicity, that kind of synk wink from the heavens, during this specific November full moon, also called Blood Moon, echoing the expected Red Wave in U.S. Elections? Wow. Here’s NASA’s map.

And here’s one paper’s view of this lunar eclipse, and what it portends.

This Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse happens to occur at 16°00 Taurus/Scorpio, exactly conjunct/opposed to eruptive, breakthrough Uranus, at 16°56 Taurus.

Furthermore, the Sun is sandwiched in between Mercury at 15°52 and Venus at 20°13 Scorpio, all three conjunct the karmic South Node of the Moon at 16° Scorpio.

Release, release, release! Release the old stuck memories, regrets, attitudes, hatred, loneliness, projections, bitterness, of the past.

Moon/Uranus in Taurus conjuncts the North Node of the Moon, where we are going: towards our instinctive, animal selves, with gut knowledge, and uplifted hearts, in contact with Earth, grounded.

This election day promises to be extra portentous, given the astrological build-up that uncannily mirrors the expected enormous, even gargantuan eruption of feelings, across the board, and across the world, especially once the results are in. (Or if the results are postponed . . ? Or if the red wave gets squashed . . .? See yesterday’s post — Retrograde Mars will still be squaring Neptune/Jupiter in Pisces on Nov 8. I.e., forceful (Marss) Neptunian deception and confusion, to the Jupiterian max, very possible.)

Whatever happens, it will feel like an enormous, shocking, Uranian surprise.

Uranus governs Aquarius . . . and guess what! The Sun/Moon/Uranus opposition closely squares strong, disciplined, goal-oriented Saturn in Aquarius at 18°! The mind is engaged, big mind, full of big ideas; we see ourselves as both sovereign and equal, each guided within, opinionated, strong willed, willing to experiment, and knowing the utter necessity of cooperation if we wish to succeed in our impossible, but necessary, common endeavor to not just reboot, but to transform human living upon this planet and into the greater beyond.

Mike Adams, who usually focuses on near-term gloom and doom, is as surprised that we “made it through October” as I am. In fact, that we did so without the expected drastic false flag meant to kill hundreds, thousands, millions of people, and obliterate or at least postpone the mid-term elections, has inspired him to look down the road — after “the big ugly” period coming up (that’s what Clif High calls it), over especially the next few months as the deep state, including governments and other bureaucracies, economies, supply chains, and who knows what else, COLLAPSE attuned to the U.S. Pluto’s first return to its natal place, setting off a predictable death (and rebirth?) process, leaving us to pick up the pieces, locally, by hand, and hopefully at least somewhat “prepped,” with stored food, friendly neighbors, and so on — to what he sees as a BOOM, a new golden age, as those who remain after the mass die-off from the jab and the old tired civilization’s collapse begin the exciting, demanding work of building a new civilization from scratch, and this time, decentralized, experimental, localized, cooperative, networked, in communion with the living Earth.

I’ll end with three sabian symbols (actually four, see below):

The first for 16° Scorpio, where the Sun will be located on that fateful day.


Keynote: The fervent reaching out on the part of the young of heart to new experiences.

Yes, as the deep state, along with its main currency, child trafficking, is destroyed, let the world’s children — as well as those of us who refuse to “get old,” but instead “grow old,” our child selves still eager to learn — rejoice.

Opposite that, and fittingly, this Taurus symbol, where the Moon and Earth will reside, in a straight line with the Scorpio Sun, as Earth’s sunrises and sunsets light the entire Moon in blood red:

Taurus 16°:


Keynote: The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis.

Yes, medicine, education, history, media, Big Gov (including the “cognitive infrastructure” referred to in the very recent bombshell about how the DHS and other government agencies met with facebook, twitter, and so on, on a monthly basis for years, to decide what could and could not be propelled as “news” and thus influencing, if not deciding elections. (We’ve known for many years about the 4 AM talking points to mainstream media; but this? This was new.)) plus, during especially this year, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, FDA, NIH, both houses of congress, are all now exposed as corrupt to the bone, full of lies.


Insertion (for correction): on this evening, of the same day I posted this piece, fellow blogger Laura Bruno pointed out that I looked up the symbol for Scorpio 17° rather than Taurus 17° for Uranus. And, as she also pointed out, that was a very Uranian thing to do! And that Steven Forrest, another astrologer she reads (and one I greatly admire), did something similar, mixed up the Scorpio/Taurus nodes, basing his entire article on the mix-up! Looking back through my own piece now, I’ve decided to leave the original Scorpio 17° symbol for Uranus, as it appears I was “guided” to make that mistake. AND, to include the (corrected) Taurus 17° symbol also. So, on to the original (mistaken) one first:


Scorpio 17°, where Uranus resides at 16° 56, conjunct Moon and opposite Sun, (sabian symbols are read for the next whole degree):


Keynote: A total reliance upon the dictates of the God-within.

Yes, the divine dwells within us, guiding us on this journey through the gates of what seems like hell, now, as so much corruption and deceit continues to disgorge, day after day after day. But just think, this stinking gunk, long used to secrecy, where it can rule beyond measure, as it emerges from darkness to light, dissipates, lets go.

One key, to me, of the fact that the deep state, and it’s densely interwoven lies and wiles, is done, is the new Atlantic article calling for “Amnesty” by Emily Oster who hopes she and others like her can be forgiven. In other words, she’s confessing that she knows! (That she’s, therefore, guilty!) This article was literally everywhere on social media yesterday.

Okay, and now here’s the corrected sabian symbol, for Uranus, at Taurus 17°


Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal “Great War.”

This symbol reminds me of what also might result from the emotional Scorpio tsunami that will undoubtedly erupt on election night: property destruction, plus actual physical fighting, civil war, by those who cannot stomach their own enormous emotional energy without it pulsating through muscles to the point where they strike out. We who are used to alchemizing (Scorpio) emotional energy into higher, subtler realms, and/or, who utilize emotional energy to get things done in the physical world (Taurus), to go to work, real work, physical labor, while recognizing that emotional energy, when not alchemized, can turn destructive, will find the (mistaken) Scorpio 17° sabian symbol also resonant.

In any case, it remains to be seen, and likely triggered by the U.S. election, how exactly we the peoples of this world will deal with all the bribed and blackmailed perpetrators of all the lies and corruption that have torn the guts out of ethics, murdered and enslaved and impoverished uncounted millions, instigated and continued terrible bankster-driven wars, robbed and poisoned Earth, and otherwise wrecked havoc upon and within the all-too-human world and our dear planetary home.

How forgiving are we? Can we forgive without accountability? I think not. How far down the chain of command actual responsibility, and therefore accountability, goes, is the big question. And it’s not just individuals, it’s the systems in which they are embedded, which must be either dissolved or completely reconfigured.






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