PEDOPHILES RISING? Halloween Horrors, part 1: Elon Musk


Deepening digs into both Elon Musk and Paul Pelosi, on my part and others, following the appropriately ghoulish Halloween weekend, when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest, turn up pedophile connections to both. Which makes me think that IF these dramas that currently preoccupy us are all part of a massive sting operation to educate the public, operated and foretold by the Q team, including Trump as Q+, with visibility ignited by the fraudulent 2020 election, then both Musk and Pelosi may be taking starring roles in the final pre-(midterm)-election rollout of just how the horrors of pedophilia as the bottom-line currency running the world (including trafficking, adrenochrome, SRA, and so on), via MK Ultra indoctrination, bribery and blackmail, underlie every other form of corruption embedded within the fracturing global deep state system.

Paul Pelosi’s apparent drama with the hammer wielding crazy man happened at around 2:30 AM, Saturday night. More on that in Part 2.

Part I: Elon Musk, who wore some sort of ultra expensive “satanic?” costume to a Halloween party on Halloween.

This photo especially makes me wonder about him. The eyes. The eyes. TruthHammer, on Telegram, who had been disposed to give him the benefit of the doubt, had the same reservations when gazing at this photo.

So, as we all always wonder: is this costume another massive troll on Elon’s part, or is he signaling, in an in your face manner, on the platform he now owns, who he really is? If so, he adheres to cabal “ethics”: always let the suckers in on what you’re actually doing to them.

Here’s Greg Meese, a 2021 dig into supposedly born-into-poverty Elon’s intensely wealthy background, Meese notes that Elon’s father was “abusive,” and “a pedophile.”

Back to Neuralink . . .

This found on gab by a friend, who commented: “China level digital censorship and social credit system.”

It appears that ensouled, embodied human beings are being primed for technocratic takeover in any number of ways, including the “vaccine” that introduces nanotechnology into the body; but the most important way is the ongoing project to cancel/smear/invert/fake/excise biological sex, and thus natural reproduction. Pedophilia, sex with kids, who are not yet innately disposed to sexuality, is all part of the long-term program.

(Which reminds me: I finally uncovered who, in my town is running for school board on a CRT/SEL platform, which means I now know who NOT to vote for.)

If Elon’s father was abusive, and a pedophile, then even if Elon is not, his mind (and soul?) likely split from his own sensitive, vulnerable body early on; which may account for his apparent need to achieve immortality via transferring consciousness to AI via Neuralink.

Part 2 on Paul Paul Pelosi drama, tomorrow.





2 thoughts on “PEDOPHILES RISING? Halloween Horrors, part 1: Elon Musk

  1. Whew that’s a lot to sort. Elon: My devils’ advocate (pun intended) view sees he’s celebrating Hallowed eve showing how it’s done, ie: Costume up – satan’s warrior? Subliminal message *could* be referencing recent leftist twitter fears that “the gates of hell have opened” and out comes their worst nightmare. His humor has always been simple subtle and effective. Pedo? gosh who knows?, I don’t. At the moment he seems to have a finger on our side of the scale of liberty, and who said it… “you can’t make change if you don’t win elections.” I’ll defend him for now.
    Paul Pelosi: Everyone, Everyone… knows this was a tryst gone bad. The concocted counter-story lies are just the usual food for the dwindling but ever present masses who would double down on stupid… just to be right. The perp will be paid off or commit Arkancide, and it will all go away. My suspicions drift to – was it a plan all along? A hail Mary October surprise. I suspect so. I’m certain Brandon will exploit it in tonight’s ‘red speech’ #2.

  2. ‘Black & Red’ . . . yet another ‘thumb-in-the-face’ from Elon Musk to those for whom colors carry significance and in apparel are to be worn only by the uber-elect?

    Halloween offers the opportunity to celebrate that same ‘thumb-in-the-face’ to the Grim Reaper every time one encounters (ironically via corporate world) happy ghosts, smiling pumpkins, fun witches on eco-friendly modes of transportation, skeletons sporting clever boutonnieres, healthy ‘dark’ chocolate . . . the opportunities are boundless.

    Kiddos and the Young-at-Heart ‘get it’.

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