ON MASKS: In 2020, my early nightmare vision came true

Back when I was studying for my PhD in philosophy — with really, no idea why; I just knew I had to get out of the house. Had to do something so that I wouldn’t take out my stored, volatile, fiery energy on my two young children. Then, starting the second year of graduate school (when I was 24, launching a new 12-year Jupiter cycle of growth and opportunity), I began to obsess over the whole notion of masks, masks that we wear to play certain roles. I myself sported the attentive, striving-to-be-smart student mask, the good mommy mask, the bad mommy mask, the obedient (but internally seething) wife mask, the social (hello, how are you?) mask. But what I didn’t have is any real sense of presence, the larger, essential, spacious self inside my masks, those personas — all of which, BTW, I despised, as fake. I was pretending. I was leading a pretend life, and I knew it.


Furthermore, I sensed that everyone else was leading a pretend life too.

Plus, and this really scared me: it felt like everything I was learning in my philosophical studies, all the academic “facts” I picked up, were fitting into pre-set slots in my brain. That I was accumulating, rather than actually learning.

But what was real learning? I didn’t know. All I knew is that it had something to do with growth. That my understanding of the world had to change, to grow — and keep expanding, forever; and that meant the pre-set framework, the “matrix” we’d say now, that held all those “facts” in its tiny vise grip, had to break up.

That was in 1967.

In 2020, my early nightmare vision of the world came true . . . with seemingly everyone on earth “mandated” to wear a literal mask, buttressed with gobs of indoctrinated “reasons” slotted into preset grids of the brain.

Kant was right, the original mask is actually not on the face, but on the brain, so that we can’t see reality for what it is.

In other words, as long as we keep pretending we won’t even begin to comprehend reality.

It doesn’t just stop with the covid con. The con is proving to be culturally endemic. All institutions (visible structures erected to guide the complex movement of actors pretending, playing roles) that we used to trust, or at least to tolerate, are visibly and invisibly deteriorating, even shattering, as our growing X-ray vision penetrates to the heart of the corruption that affects them all, turning them into the opposite of what they pretend to be. Thus do Big Pharma and Big Med kill rather than cure; Academia indoctrinates rather than encourages; Big Gov seeks to control rather than to assist; — on and on.

Remember the part Pluto plays in all this, as its very first return to the degree it occupied at the birth of the United States takes hold, stealthily approaching over the past few years, exact for the first time in February 2022, and not to even begin to fade out until the next few years are done.


Pluto’s primal movement pulses energy into and out of form. During this first ever Pluto Return, the original form of the U.S. Constitution will either be trampled into dust, or U.S. citizens will remember in time that we live in a Constitutional Republic, and that we value it immensely, consider it essential to our continued existence as a nation.

And with this deepening of values, we will prove ourselves worthy of our Republic, by moving into action.

Only then will there be a possibility of rescuing — and reinvigorating — this nation for its second round of Pluto’s 248 year cycle.

And if we do manage to suffer through this agonizing multi-year transformation, it will be because we have learned to let go of our greed for empire, for hegemony, for total control. Instead of utilizing the power of Pluto for “power over,” this nation will evolve into “empowerment,” i.e., power from within, sharing the world stage with a multiplicity of other nations, each one autonomous, sovereign, and equal, with all the others.

We don’t know yet how this grand Plutonian drama will turn out.

It’s up to us, U.S. citizens.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

The whole world is watching.

As goes the U.S., so goes the world. 

10 thoughts on “ON MASKS: In 2020, my early nightmare vision came true

  1. Anne – I’ve read your blog for the better part of a year now. Your enduring balance – your ongoing self/geo-political/cosmic juggling and philosophical expansion has been a huge gift to experience in parallel with my own awakening. I live in London/uk. I’m an artist and a – former- academic too. Thank you for your guidance and engagement and synthesis of more or less everything that matters. I hope we meet in this life or the next x

    1. Oh wow, Sarah! Thank you for taking the time to so precisely encapsulate what I’m attempting to do! I hope to meet YOU in this life or the next as well.

      1. we’d have a very rich conversation that would take several weeks, I imagine!
        I’ve been particularly grateful for your analysis and movement from left to right – whatever these terms actually mean in terms of a world shadow government that are the actual puppet masters here. It takes a real zoom out to understand this, thereafter everything else falls into place. However i’m (still) compelled by the values of what I used to associate with the left: social justice, other identification, rage at structural inequality, environmental destruction, etc. How that’s been instrumentalised and programmed is another debate – and it take the spiritual zoom out to understand that. I am very grateful to be outside of academia right now – their almost universal response to the covid scamdemic has shamed those institutions and their idea of ‘education’ is evidently no longer fit for purpose.
        Your work in writing this blog will have a huge legacy as well as ongoing impact – a record and dialogue with awakened souls through the process of these tumultuous / transformative times.

      2. Wow, thanks again, Sarah! You help me to understand why I’m compelled to continue. Very grateful. What I keep on being puzzled by, is this: was there an actual moment when I “flipped” from “left” to “right”? Or began to flip, or found myself unsure? Can’t remember anything about that tectonic shift, as it seemed to happen below conscious awareness . . . What was it like for you? Do you remember an Aha! moment that turned you decidedly onto a seemingly opposite direction? And yes, the issues you mention are still decidedly important, though they’ve been transmogrified, in one way or another. Language casts spells. No wonder we learn how to “spell” words . . .

  2. i suppose the word sovereign somehow summarises this movement. That and the revelation that the state is not only failing us (due to whatever ideological position) – with the zoom out we understand that the state – by definition is working against humanity via control, the matrix of enslavement, medical ‘misinformation’, war by design as profit instrument – and/ or ritual sacrifice, where does this begin and end?
    i remain politically homeless – and happy to hold competing positions from many sources in my head, without landing, and trusting intuition.. But obviously – this is not a socially comfortable place to sit – and more than that – i have limited options for a great conversation! And what a time to not be able to engage in debate – in this (collective) moment of understanding that more or less every aspect of human history is certainly questionable, likely fiction… In fact – fiction and myth is so much closer to our collective truth…
    Thanks for this chat Anne – looking forward to more!

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